atomdb package


atomdb package#

AtomDB, a database of atomic and ionic properties.

class atomdb.Element(elem)#

Bases: object

Element properties.



Atomic number of the element.


Symbol of the element.


Name of the element.

property at_radius#

atomic radius of the element.


at_radius : Dict[float]


This property is a dictionary with the following keys:
property atnum#
property c6#

Isolated atom C6 dispersion coefficients of the element.


c6 : Dict[float]


This property is a dictionary with the following keys:
property cov_radius#

Covalent radius of the element.


cov_radius : Dict[float]


This property is a dictionary with the following keys:
  • “cordero”
    • Source

      B. Cordero, V. Gomez, A. E. Platero-Prats, M. Reves, J. Echeverria,E. Cremades, F. Barragan, and S. Alvarez, Dalton Trans. pp. 2832–2838 (2008)

    • Units


    • URL

    • Notes

      For carbon the number is a weighted average over the data for different hybridizations. For Mn, Fe, and Co, the number is a weighted average over the data for different spins (high spin and low spin)

  • “bragg”
  • “slater”
property eneg#

Electronegativity of the element.


eneg : Dict[float]


This property is a dictionary with the following keys:
property group#

Group of the element.


group : int

property mass#

Atomic mass of the element.


mass : Dict[float]


This property is a dictionary with the following keys:
property mult#

Multiplicity of the element.


mult : int

property name#

Name of the element.


name : str

property period#

Period of the element.


period : int

property pold#

Isolated atom dipole polarizability of the element.


pold : Dict[float]


This property is a dictionary with the following keys:
  • “crc”
    • Source

      CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2003).

    • Units


    • Notes

      If multiple values were present in the CRC book, the value used in Erin’s postg code is taken

  • “chu”
  • “sn”
property symbol#

Symbol of the element.


symbol : str

property vdw_radius#

van der Waals radius of the element.


vdw_radius : Dict[float]


This property is a dictionary with the following keys:
class atomdb.Promolecule#

Bases: object

Promolecule class.

A promolecule is an approximation of a molecule constructed from a linear combination of atomic and/or ionic species. Properties of this promolecule can be computed from those of the atomic and/or ionic species, depending on whether the property is an extensive one or an intensive one.

For an extensive property, the formula is a linear combination:

\[\text{prop.}_{\text{mol;extensive}} = \sum_{A=1}^{N_{\text{atoms}}} c_A \text{prop.}_A\]

For an intensive property, the formula is a mean:

\[\text{prop.}_{\text{mol;intensive}} = {\left\langle \left\{ \text{prop.}_A \right\}_{A=1}^{N_{\text{atoms}}} \right\rangle}_p\]

where the parameter p defines the type of mean used (1 = linear, 2 = geometric, etc.).


atoms: list of Species

Species instances out of which the promolecule is composed.

coords: np.ndarray((N, 3), dtype=float)

Coordinates of each species component of the promolecule.

coeffs: np.ndarray((N,), dtype=float)

Coefficients of each species component of the promolecule.


Compute the charge of the promolecule.


charge: float

Charge of the promolecule.

density(points, spin='t', log=False)#

Compute the electron density of the promolecule at the desired points.


points: np.ndarray((N, 3), dtype=float)

Points at which to compute the density.

spin: (‘t’ | ‘a’ | ‘b’ | ‘m’), default=’t’

Type of density to compute; either total, alpha-spin, beta-spin, or magnetization density.

log: bool, default=False

Whether to compute the log of the density instead of the density. May be slightly more accurate.


density: np.ndarray((N,), dtype=float)

Density evaluated at N points.


Compute the energy of the promolecule.


energy: float

Energy of the promolecule.


Compute the chemical hardness of the promolecule.


p: int, default=1 (linear mean)

Type of mean used in the computation.


eta: float

Chemical hardness of the promolecule.

gradient(points, spin='t', log=False)#

Compute the electron density gradient of the promolecule at the desired points.

Promolecular gradient:

\[\nabla \rho_{\text{mol}}^{(0)} (\mathbf{R}) = \sum_{A=1}^{N_{\text{atoms}}}\ c_A \nabla \rho_A^{(0)}(\mathbf{R})\]


\(N_{\text{atoms}}\) is the number of atoms in the molecule,

\(c_A\) are the coefficients of the species,

\(R\) are points in 3D cartesian coordinates,

\(\nabla \rho_A^{(0)}(\mathbf{R})\) is the gradient of the species.


points: np.ndarray((N, 3), dtype=float)

Points at which to compute the electron density gradient.

spin: (‘t’ | ‘a’ | ‘b’ | ‘m’), default=’t’

Type of density to compute; either total, alpha-spin, beta-spin, or magnetization density.

log: bool, default=False

Whether to compute the log of the density instead of the density. May be slightly more accurate.


gradient: np.ndarray((N, 3), dtype=float)

Electron density gradient of the promolecule evaluated at N points.

hessian(points, spin='t', log=False)#

Compute the promolecule’s electron density Hessian at the desired points.


points: np.ndarray((N, 3), dtype=float)

Points at which to compute the electron density Hessian.

spin: (‘t’ | ‘a’ | ‘b’ | ‘m’), default=’t’

Type of density to compute; either total, alpha-spin, beta-spin, or magnetization density.

log: bool, default=False

Whether to compute the log of the density instead of the density. May be slightly more accurate.


hess: np.ndarray((N, 3, 3), dtype=float)

Electron density Hessian of the promolecule evaluated at N points.


Compute the ionization potential of the promolecule.


p: int, default=1 (linear mean)

Type of mean used in the computation.


ip: float

Ionization potential of the promolecule.

ked(points, spin='t', log=False)#

Compute the kinetic energy density of the promolecule at the desired points.

points: np.ndarray((N, 3), dtype=float)

Points at which to compute the kinetic energy density.

spin: (‘t’ | ‘a’ | ‘b’ | ‘m’), default=’t’

Type of density to compute; either total, alpha-spin, beta-spin, or magnetization density.

log: bool, default=False

Whether to compute the log of the density instead of the density. May be slightly more accurate.


ked: np.ndarray((N,), dtype=float)

Kinetic energy density evaluated at N points.

laplacian(points, spin='t', log=False)#

Compute the promolecule’s electron density Laplacian at the desired points.


points: np.ndarray((N, 3), dtype=float)

Points at which to compute the electron density Laplacian.

spin: (‘t’ | ‘a’ | ‘b’ | ‘m’), default=’t’

Type of density to compute; either total, alpha-spin, beta-spin, or magnetization density.

log: bool, default=False

Whether to compute the log of the density instead of the density. May be slightly more accurate.


laplacian: np.ndarray((N,), dtype=float)

Electron density Laplacian of the promolecule evaluated at N points.


Compute the mass of the promolecule.


mass: float

Mass of the promolecule.


Compute the chemical potential of the promolecule.


p: int, default=1 (linear mean)

Type of mean used in the computation.


mu: float

Chemical potential of the promolecule.


Compute the multiplicity of the promolecule.


p: int, default=1 (linear mean)

Type of mean used in the computation.


mult: float

Multiplicity of the promolecule.


Compute the electron number of the promolecule.


nelec: float

Number of electrons in the promolecule.


Compute the spin number of the promolecule.


p: int, default=1 (linear mean)

Type of mean used in the computation.


nspin: float

Spin number of the promolecule.

class atomdb.Species(dataset, fields, spinpol=1)#

Bases: object

Properties of atomic and ionic species.

property at_radius#

Atomic radius.


at_radiusdict, float

The return dictionary contains atomic radii types wc and cr. For references corresponding to each type check theochem/AtomDB

property atmass#

Atomic mass in atomic units.



Two options are available: the isotopically averaged mass ‘stb’, and the mass of the most common isotope ‘nist’. For references corresponding to each type check theochem/AtomDB

property atnum#

Atomic number.


atnum : int

property charge#


\[Q = Z - N\]

Where Q is the charge, Z the atomic number and N the total number of electrons stored in SpeciesData object.


charge : int

property cov_radius#

Covalent radius (derived from crystallographic data).


cov_radiusdict, float

The return dictionary contains crystallographic covalent radii types cordero, bragg and slater. For references corresponding to each type check theochem/AtomDB

d_dens_func(spin='t', index=None, log=False)#

Return a cubic spline of the first derivative of the electronic density.

The derivarive of the density as a function of the distance to the atomic center (a set of points along a 1-D grid) is modeled by a cubic spline. The property can be computed for the alpha, beta, alpha + beta, and alpha - beta components of the electron density.


spinstr, optional

Type of occupied spin orbitals which can be either “a” (for alpha), “b” (for beta), “ab” (for alpha + beta), and, “m” (for alpha - beta), by default ‘ab’

indexsequence of int, optional

Sequence of integers representing the spin orbitals which are indexed from 1 to the number basis functions. If None, all orbitals of the given spin(s) are included

logbool, optional

Whether the logarithm of the density property is used for interpolation


Callable[[np.ndarray(N,), int] -> np.ndarray(N,)]

a callable function evaluating the derivative of the density given a set of radial points (1-D array).

property dataset#

Name of the type of dataset.


dataset : string

dd_dens_func(spin='t', index=None, log=False)#

Return a cubic spline of the second derivative of the electronic density.


spinstr, default=”t”

Type of occupied spin orbitals. Can be either “t” (for alpha + beta), “a” (for alpha), “b” (for beta), or “m” (for alpha - beta).

indexsequence of int, optional

Sequence of integers representing the spin orbitals. These are indexed from 0 to the number of basis functions. By default, all orbitals of the given spin(s) are included.

logbool, default=False

Whether the logarithm of the density is used for interpolation.


Callable[[np.ndarray(N,), int] -> np.ndarray(N,)]

a callable function evaluating the second derivative of the density given a set of radial points (1-D array).

dd_dens_lapl_func(spin='t', index=None, log=False)#

Return the function for the electronic density Laplacian.

\[\nabla^2 \rho(\mathbf{r}) = \frac{d^2 \rho(r)}{dr^2} + \frac{2}{r} \frac{d \rho(r)}{dr}\]


spinstr, default=”t”

Type of occupied spin orbitals. Can be either “t” (for alpha + beta), “a” (for alpha), “b” (for beta), or “m” (for alpha - beta).

indexsequence of int, optional

Sequence of integers representing the spin orbitals. These are indexed from 0 to the number of basis functions. By default, all orbitals of the given spin(s) are included.

logbool, default=False

Whether the logarithm of the density is used for interpolation.


Callable[np.ndarray(N,) -> np.ndarray(N,)]

a callable function evaluating the Laplacian of the density given a set of radial points (1-D array).


When this function is evaluated at a point close to zero, the Laplacian becomes undefined. In this case, this function returns zero.

dens_func(spin='t', index=None, log=False)#

Return a cubic spline of the electronic density.


spinstr, default=”t”

Type of occupied spin orbitals. Can be either “t” (for alpha + beta), “a” (for alpha), “b” (for beta), or “m” (for alpha - beta).

indexsequence of int, optional

Sequence of integers representing the spin orbitals. These are indexed from 0 to the number of basis functions. By default, all orbitals of the given spin(s) are included.

logbool, default=False

Whether the logarithm of the density is used for interpolation.



A DensitySpline instance for the density and its derivatives. Given a set of radial points, it can evaluate densities and derivatives up to order 2.

property dispersion_c6#

Isolated atom C6 dispersion coefficients.


dispersion_c6dict, float

The return dictionary contains isolated atom C6 dispersion coefficients types chu. For references corresponding to each type check theochem/AtomDB

property elem#

Element symbol.


elem : string

property energy#



energy : float

property eta#

Chemical hardness.


eta : float


Docstring of the species’ dataset.

property ip#

Ionization potential.


ip : float

ked_func(spin='t', index=None, log=False)#

Return a cubic spline of the kinetic energy density.


spinstr, default=”t”

Type of occupied spin orbitals. Can be either “t” (for alpha + beta), “a” (for alpha), “b” (for beta), or “m” (for alpha - beta).

indexsequence of int, optional

Sequence of integers representing the spin orbitals. These are indexed from 0 to the number of basis functions. By default, all orbitals of the given spin(s) are included.

logbool, default=False

Whether the logarithm of the density is used for interpolation.



A DensitySpline instance for the density and its derivatives. Given a set of radial points, it can evaluate densities and derivatives up to order 2.

property mu#

Chemical potential.


mu : float

property mult#


\[M = \left|N_S\right| + 1\]

Where \(\left|N_S\right|\) is the spin number.


mult : int

property nelec#

Number of electrons.


nelec : int

property nexc#

Excitation number.


nexc : int

property nspin#

Spin number

\[N_S = N_α - N_β\]
Where \(N_S\) is the spin number and \(N_α\) and \(N_β\) number of alpha and

beta electrons.


nspin : int

property obasis_name#

Basis name.


obasis_name : string

property polarizability#

Isolated atom dipole polarizability.


polarizabilitydict, float

The return dictionary contains isolated atom dipole polarizability types crc and chu. For references corresponding to each type check theochem/AtomDB

property spinpol#

Spin polarization direction (±1).


spinpol : int


Return the dictionary representation of the Species instance.


Return the JSON string representation of the Species instance.

property vdw_radius#

Van der Waals radii.


vdw_radiusdict, float

The return dictionary contains van der wals radii types bondi, truhlar, rt, batsanov, dreiding, uff and mm3. For references corresponding to each type check theochem/AtomDB

atomdb.compile_species(elem, charge, mult, nexc=0, dataset='slater', datapath='/home/runner/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/atomdb/datasets')#

Compile an atomic or ionic species into the AtomDB database.



Element symbol.





nexcint, optional

Excitation level, by default 0.

datasetstr, optional

Dataset name, by default DEFAULT_DATASET.

datapathstr, optional

Path to the local AtomDB cache, by default DEFAULT_DATAPATH variable value.

atomdb.dump(*species, datapath='/home/runner/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/atomdb/datasets')#

Dump the Species instance(s) to a MessagePack file in the database.


species: Iterable

Iterables of objects of class Species

datapathstr, optional

Path to the local AtomDB cache, by default DEFAULT_DATAPATH variable value.


Return the element name from a string or int.


elem: (str | int)

Symbol, name, or number of an element.



Element name.


Return the element number from a string or int.


elem: (str | int)

Symbol, name, or number of an element.



Atomic number.


Return the element symbol from a string or int.


elem: (str | int)

Symbol, name, or number of an element.



Element symbol.

atomdb.load(elem, charge, mult, nexc=0, dataset='slater', datapath='/home/runner/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/atomdb/datasets', remotepath='')#

Load one or many atomic or ionic species from the AtomDB database.



Element symbol.





nexcint, optional

Excitation level, by default 0.

datasetstr, optional

Dataset name, by default DEFAULT_DATASET.

datapathstr, optional

Path to the local AtomDB cache, by default DEFAULT_DATAPATH variable value.

remotepathstr, optional

Remote URL for AtomDB datasets, by default DEFAULT_REMOTE variable value


Object of class Species

atomdb.make_promolecule(atnums, coords, charges=None, mults=None, units=None, dataset='slater', datapath='/home/runner/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/atomdb/datasets', remotepath='')#

Construct a Promolecule instance from a set of atoms and their coordinates, charges, and multiplicities.


atnums: list of (str|int)

List of element number for each atom.

coords: list of np.ndarray((3,), dtype=float)

List of coordinates for each atom.

charges: list of (int | float), default=[0, …, 0]

List of charges.

mults: list of (int), default=[1, …, 1]

List of multiplicities for each atom.

units: (‘bohr’ | ‘angstrom’)

Units of coords values. Default is Bohr.

dataset: str, default=DEFAULT_DATASET

Data set from which to load atomic species.

datapath: str, default=DEFAULT_DATAPATH

System path where the desired data set is located.

remotepath: str, default=DEFAULT_REMOTE

Remote path where the desired data set is located.


promol: Promolecule

Promolecule instance.

atomdb.raw_datafile(suffix, elem, charge, mult, nexc=0, dataset='slater', datapath='/home/runner/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/atomdb/datasets', remotepath='')#

Returns the local path to the raw data file of a species

This function retrieves the raw data file of a species from the AtomDB cache if present. If the file is not found, it is downloaded from the remote URL.



File extension of the raw data file.


Element symbol.





nexcint, optional

Excitation level, by default 0.

datasetstr, optional

Dataset name, by default DEFAULT_DATASET.

datapathstr, optional

Path to the local AtomDB cache, by default DEFAULT_DATAPATH variable value.

remotepathstr, optional

Remote URL for AtomDB datasets, by default DEFAULT_REMOTE variable value.



Path to the raw data file.



atomdb.periodic module#

class atomdb.periodic.Element(elem)#

Bases: object

Element properties.



Atomic number of the element.


Symbol of the element.


Name of the element.

property at_radius#

atomic radius of the element.


at_radius : Dict[float]


This property is a dictionary with the following keys:
property atnum#
property c6#

Isolated atom C6 dispersion coefficients of the element.


c6 : Dict[float]


This property is a dictionary with the following keys:
property cov_radius#

Covalent radius of the element.


cov_radius : Dict[float]


This property is a dictionary with the following keys:
  • “cordero”
    • Source

      B. Cordero, V. Gomez, A. E. Platero-Prats, M. Reves, J. Echeverria,E. Cremades, F. Barragan, and S. Alvarez, Dalton Trans. pp. 2832–2838 (2008)

    • Units


    • URL

    • Notes

      For carbon the number is a weighted average over the data for different hybridizations. For Mn, Fe, and Co, the number is a weighted average over the data for different spins (high spin and low spin)

  • “bragg”
  • “slater”
property eneg#

Electronegativity of the element.


eneg : Dict[float]


This property is a dictionary with the following keys:
property group#

Group of the element.


group : int

property mass#

Atomic mass of the element.


mass : Dict[float]


This property is a dictionary with the following keys:
property mult#

Multiplicity of the element.


mult : int

property name#

Name of the element.


name : str

property period#

Period of the element.


period : int

property pold#

Isolated atom dipole polarizability of the element.


pold : Dict[float]


This property is a dictionary with the following keys:
  • “crc”
    • Source

      CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2003).

    • Units


    • Notes

      If multiple values were present in the CRC book, the value used in Erin’s postg code is taken

  • “chu”
  • “sn”
property symbol#

Symbol of the element.


symbol : str

property vdw_radius#

van der Waals radius of the element.


vdw_radius : Dict[float]


This property is a dictionary with the following keys:

Return the element name from a string or int.


elem: (str | int)

Symbol, name, or number of an element.



Element name.


Return the element number from a string or int.


elem: (str | int)

Symbol, name, or number of an element.



Atomic number.


Return the element symbol from a string or int.


elem: (str | int)

Symbol, name, or number of an element.



Element symbol.

atomdb.promolecule module#

AtomDB promolecule submodule.

class atomdb.promolecule.Promolecule#

Bases: object

Promolecule class.

A promolecule is an approximation of a molecule constructed from a linear combination of atomic and/or ionic species. Properties of this promolecule can be computed from those of the atomic and/or ionic species, depending on whether the property is an extensive one or an intensive one.

For an extensive property, the formula is a linear combination:

\[\text{prop.}_{\text{mol;extensive}} = \sum_{A=1}^{N_{\text{atoms}}} c_A \text{prop.}_A\]

For an intensive property, the formula is a mean:

\[\text{prop.}_{\text{mol;intensive}} = {\left\langle \left\{ \text{prop.}_A \right\}_{A=1}^{N_{\text{atoms}}} \right\rangle}_p\]

where the parameter p defines the type of mean used (1 = linear, 2 = geometric, etc.).


atoms: list of Species

Species instances out of which the promolecule is composed.

coords: np.ndarray((N, 3), dtype=float)

Coordinates of each species component of the promolecule.

coeffs: np.ndarray((N,), dtype=float)

Coefficients of each species component of the promolecule.


Compute the charge of the promolecule.


charge: float

Charge of the promolecule.

density(points, spin='t', log=False)#

Compute the electron density of the promolecule at the desired points.


points: np.ndarray((N, 3), dtype=float)

Points at which to compute the density.

spin: (‘t’ | ‘a’ | ‘b’ | ‘m’), default=’t’

Type of density to compute; either total, alpha-spin, beta-spin, or magnetization density.

log: bool, default=False

Whether to compute the log of the density instead of the density. May be slightly more accurate.


density: np.ndarray((N,), dtype=float)

Density evaluated at N points.


Compute the energy of the promolecule.


energy: float

Energy of the promolecule.


Compute the chemical hardness of the promolecule.


p: int, default=1 (linear mean)

Type of mean used in the computation.


eta: float

Chemical hardness of the promolecule.

gradient(points, spin='t', log=False)#

Compute the electron density gradient of the promolecule at the desired points.

Promolecular gradient:

\[\nabla \rho_{\text{mol}}^{(0)} (\mathbf{R}) = \sum_{A=1}^{N_{\text{atoms}}}\ c_A \nabla \rho_A^{(0)}(\mathbf{R})\]


\(N_{\text{atoms}}\) is the number of atoms in the molecule,

\(c_A\) are the coefficients of the species,

\(R\) are points in 3D cartesian coordinates,

\(\nabla \rho_A^{(0)}(\mathbf{R})\) is the gradient of the species.


points: np.ndarray((N, 3), dtype=float)

Points at which to compute the electron density gradient.

spin: (‘t’ | ‘a’ | ‘b’ | ‘m’), default=’t’

Type of density to compute; either total, alpha-spin, beta-spin, or magnetization density.

log: bool, default=False

Whether to compute the log of the density instead of the density. May be slightly more accurate.


gradient: np.ndarray((N, 3), dtype=float)

Electron density gradient of the promolecule evaluated at N points.

hessian(points, spin='t', log=False)#

Compute the promolecule’s electron density Hessian at the desired points.


points: np.ndarray((N, 3), dtype=float)

Points at which to compute the electron density Hessian.

spin: (‘t’ | ‘a’ | ‘b’ | ‘m’), default=’t’

Type of density to compute; either total, alpha-spin, beta-spin, or magnetization density.

log: bool, default=False

Whether to compute the log of the density instead of the density. May be slightly more accurate.


hess: np.ndarray((N, 3, 3), dtype=float)

Electron density Hessian of the promolecule evaluated at N points.


Compute the ionization potential of the promolecule.


p: int, default=1 (linear mean)

Type of mean used in the computation.


ip: float

Ionization potential of the promolecule.

ked(points, spin='t', log=False)#

Compute the kinetic energy density of the promolecule at the desired points.

points: np.ndarray((N, 3), dtype=float)

Points at which to compute the kinetic energy density.

spin: (‘t’ | ‘a’ | ‘b’ | ‘m’), default=’t’

Type of density to compute; either total, alpha-spin, beta-spin, or magnetization density.

log: bool, default=False

Whether to compute the log of the density instead of the density. May be slightly more accurate.


ked: np.ndarray((N,), dtype=float)

Kinetic energy density evaluated at N points.

laplacian(points, spin='t', log=False)#

Compute the promolecule’s electron density Laplacian at the desired points.


points: np.ndarray((N, 3), dtype=float)

Points at which to compute the electron density Laplacian.

spin: (‘t’ | ‘a’ | ‘b’ | ‘m’), default=’t’

Type of density to compute; either total, alpha-spin, beta-spin, or magnetization density.

log: bool, default=False

Whether to compute the log of the density instead of the density. May be slightly more accurate.


laplacian: np.ndarray((N,), dtype=float)

Electron density Laplacian of the promolecule evaluated at N points.


Compute the mass of the promolecule.


mass: float

Mass of the promolecule.


Compute the chemical potential of the promolecule.


p: int, default=1 (linear mean)

Type of mean used in the computation.


mu: float

Chemical potential of the promolecule.


Compute the multiplicity of the promolecule.


p: int, default=1 (linear mean)

Type of mean used in the computation.


mult: float

Multiplicity of the promolecule.


Compute the electron number of the promolecule.


nelec: float

Number of electrons in the promolecule.


Compute the spin number of the promolecule.


p: int, default=1 (linear mean)

Type of mean used in the computation.


nspin: float

Spin number of the promolecule.

atomdb.promolecule.make_promolecule(atnums, coords, charges=None, mults=None, units=None, dataset='slater', datapath='/home/runner/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/atomdb/datasets', remotepath='')#

Construct a Promolecule instance from a set of atoms and their coordinates, charges, and multiplicities.


atnums: list of (str|int)

List of element number for each atom.

coords: list of np.ndarray((3,), dtype=float)

List of coordinates for each atom.

charges: list of (int | float), default=[0, …, 0]

List of charges.

mults: list of (int), default=[1, …, 1]

List of multiplicities for each atom.

units: (‘bohr’ | ‘angstrom’)

Units of coords values. Default is Bohr.

dataset: str, default=DEFAULT_DATASET

Data set from which to load atomic species.

datapath: str, default=DEFAULT_DATAPATH

System path where the desired data set is located.

remotepath: str, default=DEFAULT_REMOTE

Remote path where the desired data set is located.


promol: Promolecule

Promolecule instance.

atomdb.species module#

AtomDB, a database of atomic and ionic properties.

class atomdb.species.Species(dataset, fields, spinpol=1)#

Bases: object

Properties of atomic and ionic species.

property at_radius#

Atomic radius.


at_radiusdict, float

The return dictionary contains atomic radii types wc and cr. For references corresponding to each type check theochem/AtomDB

property atmass#

Atomic mass in atomic units.



Two options are available: the isotopically averaged mass ‘stb’, and the mass of the most common isotope ‘nist’. For references corresponding to each type check theochem/AtomDB

property atnum#

Atomic number.


atnum : int

property charge#


\[Q = Z - N\]

Where Q is the charge, Z the atomic number and N the total number of electrons stored in SpeciesData object.


charge : int

property cov_radius#

Covalent radius (derived from crystallographic data).


cov_radiusdict, float

The return dictionary contains crystallographic covalent radii types cordero, bragg and slater. For references corresponding to each type check theochem/AtomDB

d_dens_func(spin='t', index=None, log=False)#

Return a cubic spline of the first derivative of the electronic density.

The derivarive of the density as a function of the distance to the atomic center (a set of points along a 1-D grid) is modeled by a cubic spline. The property can be computed for the alpha, beta, alpha + beta, and alpha - beta components of the electron density.


spinstr, optional

Type of occupied spin orbitals which can be either “a” (for alpha), “b” (for beta), “ab” (for alpha + beta), and, “m” (for alpha - beta), by default ‘ab’

indexsequence of int, optional

Sequence of integers representing the spin orbitals which are indexed from 1 to the number basis functions. If None, all orbitals of the given spin(s) are included

logbool, optional

Whether the logarithm of the density property is used for interpolation


Callable[[np.ndarray(N,), int] -> np.ndarray(N,)]

a callable function evaluating the derivative of the density given a set of radial points (1-D array).

property dataset#

Name of the type of dataset.


dataset : string

dd_dens_func(spin='t', index=None, log=False)#

Return a cubic spline of the second derivative of the electronic density.


spinstr, default=”t”

Type of occupied spin orbitals. Can be either “t” (for alpha + beta), “a” (for alpha), “b” (for beta), or “m” (for alpha - beta).

indexsequence of int, optional

Sequence of integers representing the spin orbitals. These are indexed from 0 to the number of basis functions. By default, all orbitals of the given spin(s) are included.

logbool, default=False

Whether the logarithm of the density is used for interpolation.


Callable[[np.ndarray(N,), int] -> np.ndarray(N,)]

a callable function evaluating the second derivative of the density given a set of radial points (1-D array).

dd_dens_lapl_func(spin='t', index=None, log=False)#

Return the function for the electronic density Laplacian.

\[\nabla^2 \rho(\mathbf{r}) = \frac{d^2 \rho(r)}{dr^2} + \frac{2}{r} \frac{d \rho(r)}{dr}\]


spinstr, default=”t”

Type of occupied spin orbitals. Can be either “t” (for alpha + beta), “a” (for alpha), “b” (for beta), or “m” (for alpha - beta).

indexsequence of int, optional

Sequence of integers representing the spin orbitals. These are indexed from 0 to the number of basis functions. By default, all orbitals of the given spin(s) are included.

logbool, default=False

Whether the logarithm of the density is used for interpolation.


Callable[np.ndarray(N,) -> np.ndarray(N,)]

a callable function evaluating the Laplacian of the density given a set of radial points (1-D array).


When this function is evaluated at a point close to zero, the Laplacian becomes undefined. In this case, this function returns zero.

dens_func(spin='t', index=None, log=False)#

Return a cubic spline of the electronic density.


spinstr, default=”t”

Type of occupied spin orbitals. Can be either “t” (for alpha + beta), “a” (for alpha), “b” (for beta), or “m” (for alpha - beta).

indexsequence of int, optional

Sequence of integers representing the spin orbitals. These are indexed from 0 to the number of basis functions. By default, all orbitals of the given spin(s) are included.

logbool, default=False

Whether the logarithm of the density is used for interpolation.



A DensitySpline instance for the density and its derivatives. Given a set of radial points, it can evaluate densities and derivatives up to order 2.

property dispersion_c6#

Isolated atom C6 dispersion coefficients.


dispersion_c6dict, float

The return dictionary contains isolated atom C6 dispersion coefficients types chu. For references corresponding to each type check theochem/AtomDB

property elem#

Element symbol.


elem : string

property energy#



energy : float

property eta#

Chemical hardness.


eta : float


Docstring of the species’ dataset.

property ip#

Ionization potential.


ip : float

ked_func(spin='t', index=None, log=False)#

Return a cubic spline of the kinetic energy density.


spinstr, default=”t”

Type of occupied spin orbitals. Can be either “t” (for alpha + beta), “a” (for alpha), “b” (for beta), or “m” (for alpha - beta).

indexsequence of int, optional

Sequence of integers representing the spin orbitals. These are indexed from 0 to the number of basis functions. By default, all orbitals of the given spin(s) are included.

logbool, default=False

Whether the logarithm of the density is used for interpolation.



A DensitySpline instance for the density and its derivatives. Given a set of radial points, it can evaluate densities and derivatives up to order 2.

property mu#

Chemical potential.


mu : float

property mult#


\[M = \left|N_S\right| + 1\]

Where \(\left|N_S\right|\) is the spin number.


mult : int

property nelec#

Number of electrons.


nelec : int

property nexc#

Excitation number.


nexc : int

property nspin#

Spin number

\[N_S = N_α - N_β\]
Where \(N_S\) is the spin number and \(N_α\) and \(N_β\) number of alpha and

beta electrons.


nspin : int

property obasis_name#

Basis name.


obasis_name : string

property polarizability#

Isolated atom dipole polarizability.


polarizabilitydict, float

The return dictionary contains isolated atom dipole polarizability types crc and chu. For references corresponding to each type check theochem/AtomDB

property spinpol#

Spin polarization direction (±1).


spinpol : int


Return the dictionary representation of the Species instance.


Return the JSON string representation of the Species instance.

property vdw_radius#

Van der Waals radii.


vdw_radiusdict, float

The return dictionary contains van der wals radii types bondi, truhlar, rt, batsanov, dreiding, uff and mm3. For references corresponding to each type check theochem/AtomDB

atomdb.species.compile_species(elem, charge, mult, nexc=0, dataset='slater', datapath='/home/runner/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/atomdb/datasets')#

Compile an atomic or ionic species into the AtomDB database.



Element symbol.





nexcint, optional

Excitation level, by default 0.

datasetstr, optional

Dataset name, by default DEFAULT_DATASET.

datapathstr, optional

Path to the local AtomDB cache, by default DEFAULT_DATAPATH variable value.

atomdb.species.dump(*species, datapath='/home/runner/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/atomdb/datasets')#

Dump the Species instance(s) to a MessagePack file in the database.


species: Iterable

Iterables of objects of class Species

datapathstr, optional

Path to the local AtomDB cache, by default DEFAULT_DATAPATH variable value.

atomdb.species.load(elem, charge, mult, nexc=0, dataset='slater', datapath='/home/runner/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/atomdb/datasets', remotepath='')#

Load one or many atomic or ionic species from the AtomDB database.



Element symbol.





nexcint, optional

Excitation level, by default 0.

datasetstr, optional

Dataset name, by default DEFAULT_DATASET.

datapathstr, optional

Path to the local AtomDB cache, by default DEFAULT_DATAPATH variable value.

remotepathstr, optional

Remote URL for AtomDB datasets, by default DEFAULT_REMOTE variable value


Object of class Species

atomdb.species.raw_datafile(suffix, elem, charge, mult, nexc=0, dataset='slater', datapath='/home/runner/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/atomdb/datasets', remotepath='')#

Returns the local path to the raw data file of a species

This function retrieves the raw data file of a species from the AtomDB cache if present. If the file is not found, it is downloaded from the remote URL.



File extension of the raw data file.


Element symbol.





nexcint, optional

Excitation level, by default 0.

datasetstr, optional

Dataset name, by default DEFAULT_DATASET.

datapathstr, optional

Path to the local AtomDB cache, by default DEFAULT_DATAPATH variable value.

remotepathstr, optional

Remote URL for AtomDB datasets, by default DEFAULT_REMOTE variable value.



Path to the raw data file.

atomdb.utils module#

Constants and utility functions.

atomdb.utils.DEFAULT_DATAPATH = '/home/runner/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/atomdb/datasets'#

The path for AtomDB local cache.

atomdb.utils.DEFAULT_DATASET = 'slater'#

Default dataset to query.

atomdb.utils.DEFAULT_REMOTE = ''#

Default remote URL for AtomDB datasets.

atomdb.utils.MODULE_DATAPATH = '/home/runner/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/atomdb/data'#

The path for AtomDB data files.

atomdb.utils.MULTIPLICITIES = {(1, -2): 2, (1, -1): 1, (1, 0): 2, (2, -2): 1, (2, -1): 2, (2, 0): 1, (2, 1): 2, (3, -2): 2, (3, -1): 1, (3, 0): 2, (3, 1): 1, (3, 2): 2, (4, -2): 3, (4, -1): 2, (4, 0): 1, (4, 1): 2, (4, 2): 1, (4, 3): 2, (5, -2): 4, (5, -1): 3, (5, 0): 2, (5, 1): 1, (5, 2): 2, (5, 3): 1, (5, 4): 2, (6, -2): 3, (6, -1): 4, (6, 0): 3, (6, 1): 2, (6, 2): 1, (6, 3): 2, (6, 4): 1, (6, 5): 2, (7, -2): 2, (7, -1): 3, (7, 0): 4, (7, 1): 3, (7, 2): 2, (7, 3): 1, (7, 4): 2, (7, 5): 1, (7, 6): 2, (8, -2): 1, (8, -1): 2, (8, 0): 3, (8, 1): 4, (8, 2): 3, (8, 3): 2, (8, 4): 1, (8, 5): 2, (8, 6): 1, (8, 7): 2, (9, -2): 2, (9, -1): 1, (9, 0): 2, (9, 1): 3, (9, 2): 4, (9, 3): 3, (9, 4): 2, (9, 5): 1, (9, 6): 2, (9, 7): 1, (9, 8): 2, (10, -2): 1, (10, -1): 2, (10, 0): 1, (10, 1): 2, (10, 2): 3, (10, 3): 4, (10, 4): 3, (10, 5): 2, (10, 6): 1, (10, 7): 2, (10, 8): 1, (10, 9): 2, (11, -2): 2, (11, -1): 1, (11, 0): 2, (11, 1): 1, (11, 2): 2, (11, 3): 3, (11, 4): 4, (11, 5): 3, (11, 6): 2, (11, 7): 1, (11, 8): 2, (11, 9): 1, (11, 10): 2, (12, -2): 3, (12, -1): 2, (12, 0): 1, (12, 1): 2, (12, 2): 1, (12, 3): 2, (12, 4): 3, (12, 5): 4, (12, 6): 3, (12, 7): 2, (12, 8): 1, (12, 9): 2, (12, 10): 1, (12, 11): 2, (13, -2): 4, (13, -1): 3, (13, 0): 2, (13, 1): 1, (13, 2): 2, (13, 3): 1, (13, 4): 2, (13, 5): 3, (13, 6): 4, (13, 7): 3, (13, 8): 2, (13, 9): 1, (13, 10): 2, (13, 11): 1, (13, 12): 2, (14, -2): 3, (14, -1): 4, (14, 0): 3, (14, 1): 2, (14, 2): 1, (14, 3): 2, (14, 4): 1, (14, 5): 2, (14, 6): 3, (14, 7): 4, (14, 8): 3, (14, 9): 2, (14, 10): 1, (14, 11): 2, (14, 12): 1, (14, 13): 2, (15, -2): 2, (15, -1): 3, (15, 0): 4, (15, 1): 3, (15, 2): 2, (15, 3): 1, (15, 4): 2, (15, 5): 1, (15, 6): 2, (15, 7): 3, (15, 8): 4, (15, 9): 3, (15, 10): 2, (15, 11): 1, (15, 12): 2, (15, 13): 1, (15, 14): 2, (16, -2): 1, (16, -1): 2, (16, 0): 3, (16, 1): 4, (16, 2): 3, (16, 3): 2, (16, 4): 1, (16, 5): 2, (16, 6): 1, (16, 7): 2, (16, 8): 3, (16, 9): 4, (16, 10): 3, (16, 11): 2, (16, 12): 1, (16, 13): 2, (16, 14): 1, (16, 15): 2, (17, -2): 2, (17, -1): 1, (17, 0): 2, (17, 1): 3, (17, 2): 4, (17, 3): 3, (17, 4): 2, (17, 5): 1, (17, 6): 2, (17, 7): 1, (17, 8): 2, (17, 9): 3, (17, 10): 4, (17, 11): 3, (17, 12): 2, (17, 13): 1, (17, 14): 2, (17, 15): 1, (17, 16): 2, (18, -2): 1, (18, -1): 2, (18, 0): 1, (18, 1): 2, (18, 2): 3, (18, 3): 4, (18, 4): 3, (18, 5): 2, (18, 6): 1, (18, 7): 2, (18, 8): 1, (18, 9): 2, (18, 10): 3, (18, 11): 4, (18, 12): 3, (18, 13): 2, (18, 14): 1, (18, 15): 2, (18, 16): 1, (18, 17): 2, (19, -2): 2, (19, -1): 1, (19, 0): 2, (19, 1): 1, (19, 2): 2, (19, 3): 3, (19, 4): 4, (19, 5): 3, (19, 6): 2, (19, 7): 1, (19, 8): 2, (19, 9): 1, (19, 10): 2, (19, 11): 3, (19, 12): 4, (19, 13): 3, (19, 14): 2, (19, 15): 1, (19, 16): 2, (19, 17): 1, (19, 18): 2, (20, -2): 3, (20, -1): 2, (20, 0): 1, (20, 1): 2, (20, 2): 1, (20, 3): 2, (20, 4): 3, (20, 5): 4, (20, 6): 3, (20, 7): 2, (20, 8): 1, (20, 9): 2, (20, 10): 1, (20, 11): 2, (20, 12): 3, (20, 13): 4, (20, 14): 3, (20, 15): 2, (20, 16): 1, (20, 17): 2, (20, 18): 1, (20, 19): 2, (21, -2): 4, (21, -1): 3, (21, 0): 2, (21, 1): 3, (21, 2): 2, (21, 3): 1, (21, 4): 2, (21, 5): 3, (21, 6): 4, (21, 7): 3, (21, 8): 2, (21, 9): 1, (21, 10): 2, (21, 11): 1, (21, 12): 2, (21, 13): 3, (21, 14): 4, (21, 15): 3, (21, 16): 2, (21, 17): 1, (21, 18): 2, (21, 19): 1, (21, 20): 2, (22, -2): 7, (22, -1): 4, (22, 0): 3, (22, 1): 4, (22, 2): 3, (22, 3): 2, (22, 4): 1, (22, 5): 2, (22, 6): 3, (22, 7): 4, (22, 8): 3, (22, 9): 2, (22, 10): 1, (22, 11): 2, (22, 12): 1, (22, 13): 2, (22, 14): 3, (22, 15): 4, (22, 16): 3, (22, 17): 2, (22, 18): 1, (22, 19): 2, (22, 20): 1, (22, 21): 2, (23, -2): 6, (23, -1): 7, (23, 0): 4, (23, 1): 5, (23, 2): 4, (23, 3): 3, (23, 4): 2, (23, 5): 1, (23, 6): 2, (23, 7): 3, (23, 8): 4, (23, 9): 3, (23, 10): 2, (23, 11): 1, (23, 12): 2, (23, 13): 1, (23, 14): 2, (23, 15): 3, (23, 16): 4, (23, 17): 3, (23, 18): 2, (23, 19): 1, (23, 20): 2, (23, 21): 1, (23, 22): 2, (24, -2): 5, (24, -1): 6, (24, 0): 7, (24, 1): 6, (24, 2): 5, (24, 3): 4, (24, 4): 3, (24, 5): 2, (24, 6): 1, (24, 7): 2, (24, 8): 3, (24, 9): 4, (24, 10): 3, (24, 11): 2, (24, 12): 1, (24, 13): 2, (24, 14): 1, (24, 15): 2, (24, 16): 3, (24, 17): 4, (24, 18): 3, (24, 19): 2, (24, 20): 1, (24, 21): 2, (24, 22): 1, (24, 23): 2, (25, -2): 4, (25, -1): 5, (25, 0): 6, (25, 1): 7, (25, 2): 6, (25, 3): 5, (25, 4): 4, (25, 5): 3, (25, 6): 2, (25, 7): 1, (25, 8): 2, (25, 9): 3, (25, 10): 4, (25, 11): 3, (25, 12): 2, (25, 13): 1, (25, 14): 2, (25, 15): 1, (25, 16): 2, (25, 17): 3, (25, 18): 4, (25, 19): 3, (25, 20): 2, (25, 21): 1, (25, 22): 2, (25, 23): 1, (25, 24): 2, (26, -2): 3, (26, -1): 4, (26, 0): 5, (26, 1): 6, (26, 2): 5, (26, 3): 6, (26, 4): 5, (26, 5): 4, (26, 6): 3, (26, 7): 2, (26, 8): 1, (26, 9): 2, (26, 10): 3, (26, 11): 4, (26, 12): 3, (26, 13): 2, (26, 14): 1, (26, 15): 2, (26, 16): 1, (26, 17): 2, (26, 18): 3, (26, 19): 4, (26, 20): 3, (26, 21): 2, (26, 22): 1, (26, 23): 2, (26, 24): 1, (26, 25): 2, (27, -2): 2, (27, -1): 3, (27, 0): 4, (27, 1): 3, (27, 2): 4, (27, 3): 5, (27, 4): 6, (27, 5): 5, (27, 6): 4, (27, 7): 3, (27, 8): 2, (27, 9): 1, (27, 10): 2, (27, 11): 3, (27, 12): 4, (27, 13): 3, (27, 14): 2, (27, 15): 1, (27, 16): 2, (27, 17): 1, (27, 18): 2, (27, 19): 3, (27, 20): 4, (27, 21): 3, (27, 22): 2, (27, 23): 1, (27, 24): 2, (27, 25): 1, (27, 26): 2, (28, -2): 1, (28, -1): 2, (28, 0): 3, (28, 1): 2, (28, 2): 3, (28, 3): 4, (28, 4): 5, (28, 5): 6, (28, 6): 5, (28, 7): 4, (28, 8): 3, (28, 9): 2, (28, 10): 1, (28, 11): 2, (28, 12): 3, (28, 13): 4, (28, 14): 3, (28, 15): 2, (28, 16): 1, (28, 17): 2, (28, 18): 1, (28, 19): 2, (28, 20): 3, (28, 21): 4, (28, 22): 3, (28, 23): 2, (28, 24): 1, (28, 25): 2, (28, 26): 1, (28, 27): 2, (29, -2): 2, (29, -1): 1, (29, 0): 2, (29, 1): 1, (29, 2): 2, (29, 3): 3, (29, 4): 4, (29, 5): 5, (29, 6): 6, (29, 7): 5, (29, 8): 4, (29, 9): 3, (29, 10): 2, (29, 11): 1, (29, 12): 2, (29, 13): 3, (29, 14): 4, (29, 15): 3, (29, 16): 2, (29, 17): 1, (29, 18): 2, (29, 19): 1, (29, 20): 2, (29, 21): 3, (29, 22): 4, (29, 23): 3, (29, 24): 2, (29, 25): 1, (29, 26): 2, (29, 27): 1, (29, 28): 2, (30, -2): 3, (30, -1): 2, (30, 0): 1, (30, 1): 2, (30, 2): 1, (30, 3): 2, (30, 4): 3, (30, 5): 4, (30, 6): 5, (30, 7): 6, (30, 8): 5, (30, 9): 4, (30, 10): 3, (30, 11): 2, (30, 12): 1, (30, 13): 2, (30, 14): 3, (30, 15): 4, (30, 16): 3, (30, 17): 2, (30, 18): 1, (30, 19): 2, (30, 20): 1, (30, 21): 2, (30, 22): 3, (30, 23): 4, (30, 24): 3, (30, 25): 2, (30, 26): 1, (30, 27): 2, (30, 28): 1, (30, 29): 2, (31, -2): 4, (31, -1): 3, (31, 0): 2, (31, 1): 1, (31, 2): 2, (31, 3): 1, (31, 4): 2, (31, 5): 3, (31, 6): 4, (31, 7): 5, (31, 8): 6, (31, 9): 5, (31, 10): 4, (31, 11): 3, (31, 12): 2, (31, 13): 1, (31, 14): 2, (31, 15): 3, (31, 16): 4, (31, 17): 3, (31, 18): 2, (31, 19): 1, (31, 20): 2, (31, 21): 1, (31, 22): 2, (31, 23): 3, (31, 24): 4, (31, 25): 3, (31, 26): 2, (31, 27): 1, (31, 28): 2, (31, 29): 1, (31, 30): 2, (32, -2): 3, (32, -1): 4, (32, 0): 3, (32, 1): 2, (32, 2): 1, (32, 3): 2, (32, 4): 1, (32, 5): 2, (32, 6): 3, (32, 7): 4, (32, 8): 5, (32, 9): 6, (32, 10): 5, (32, 11): 4, (32, 12): 3, (32, 13): 2, (32, 14): 1, (32, 15): 2, (32, 16): 3, (32, 17): 4, (32, 18): 3, (32, 19): 2, (32, 20): 1, (32, 21): 2, (32, 22): 1, (32, 23): 2, (32, 24): 3, (32, 25): 4, (32, 26): 3, (32, 27): 2, (32, 28): 1, (32, 29): 2, (32, 30): 1, (32, 31): 2, (33, -2): 2, (33, -1): 3, (33, 0): 4, (33, 1): 3, (33, 2): 2, (33, 3): 1, (33, 4): 2, (33, 5): 1, (33, 6): 2, (33, 7): 3, (33, 8): 4, (33, 9): 5, (33, 10): 6, (33, 11): 5, (33, 12): 4, (33, 13): 3, (33, 14): 2, (33, 15): 1, (33, 16): 2, (33, 17): 3, (33, 18): 4, (33, 19): 3, (33, 20): 2, (33, 21): 1, (33, 22): 2, (33, 23): 1, (33, 24): 2, (33, 25): 3, (33, 26): 4, (33, 27): 3, (33, 28): 2, (33, 29): 1, (33, 30): 2, (33, 31): 1, (33, 32): 2, (34, -2): 1, (34, -1): 2, (34, 0): 3, (34, 1): 4, (34, 2): 3, (34, 3): 2, (34, 4): 1, (34, 5): 2, (34, 6): 1, (34, 7): 2, (34, 8): 3, (34, 9): 4, (34, 10): 5, (34, 11): 6, (34, 12): 5, (34, 13): 4, (34, 14): 3, (34, 15): 2, (34, 16): 1, (34, 17): 2, (34, 18): 3, (34, 19): 4, (34, 20): 3, (34, 21): 2, (34, 22): 1, (34, 23): 2, (34, 24): 1, (34, 25): 2, (34, 26): 3, (34, 27): 4, (34, 28): 3, (34, 29): 2, (34, 30): 1, (34, 31): 2, (34, 32): 1, (34, 33): 2, (35, -2): 2, (35, -1): 1, (35, 0): 2, (35, 1): 3, (35, 2): 4, (35, 3): 3, (35, 4): 2, (35, 5): 1, (35, 6): 2, (35, 7): 1, (35, 8): 2, (35, 9): 3, (35, 10): 4, (35, 11): 5, (35, 12): 6, (35, 13): 5, (35, 14): 4, (35, 15): 3, (35, 16): 2, (35, 17): 1, (35, 18): 2, (35, 19): 3, (35, 20): 4, (35, 21): 3, (35, 22): 2, (35, 23): 1, (35, 24): 2, (35, 25): 1, (35, 26): 2, (35, 27): 3, (35, 28): 4, (35, 29): 3, (35, 30): 2, (35, 31): 1, (35, 32): 2, (35, 33): 1, (35, 34): 2, (36, -2): 1, (36, -1): 2, (36, 0): 1, (36, 1): 2, (36, 2): 3, (36, 3): 4, (36, 4): 3, (36, 5): 2, (36, 6): 1, (36, 7): 2, (36, 8): 1, (36, 9): 2, (36, 10): 3, (36, 11): 4, (36, 12): 5, (36, 13): 6, (36, 14): 5, (36, 15): 4, (36, 16): 3, (36, 17): 2, (36, 18): 1, (36, 19): 2, (36, 20): 3, (36, 21): 4, (36, 22): 3, (36, 23): 2, (36, 24): 1, (36, 25): 2, (36, 26): 1, (36, 27): 2, (36, 28): 3, (36, 29): 4, (36, 30): 3, (36, 31): 2, (36, 32): 1, (36, 33): 2, (36, 34): 1, (36, 35): 2, (37, -2): 2, (37, -1): 1, (37, 0): 2, (37, 1): 1, (37, 2): 2, (37, 3): 3, (37, 4): 4, (37, 5): 3, (37, 6): 2, (37, 7): 1, (37, 8): 2, (37, 9): 1, (37, 10): 2, (37, 11): 3, (37, 12): 4, (37, 13): 5, (37, 14): 6, (37, 15): 5, (37, 16): 4, (37, 17): 3, (37, 18): 2, (37, 19): 1, (37, 20): 2, (37, 21): 3, (37, 22): 4, (37, 23): 3, (37, 24): 2, (37, 25): 1, (37, 26): 2, (37, 27): 1, (37, 28): 2, (37, 29): 3, (37, 30): 4, (37, 31): 3, (37, 32): 2, (37, 33): 1, (37, 34): 2, (37, 35): 1, (37, 36): 2, (38, -2): 3, (38, -1): 2, (38, 0): 1, (38, 1): 2, (38, 2): 1, (38, 3): 2, (38, 4): 3, (38, 5): 4, (38, 6): 3, (38, 7): 2, (38, 8): 1, (38, 9): 2, (38, 10): 1, (38, 11): 2, (38, 12): 3, (38, 13): 4, (38, 14): 5, (38, 15): 6, (38, 16): 5, (38, 17): 4, (38, 18): 3, (38, 19): 2, (38, 20): 1, (38, 21): 2, (38, 22): 3, (38, 23): 4, (38, 24): 3, (38, 25): 2, (38, 26): 1, (38, 27): 2, (38, 28): 1, (38, 29): 2, (38, 30): 3, (38, 31): 4, (38, 32): 3, (38, 33): 2, (38, 34): 1, (38, 35): 2, (38, 36): 1, (38, 37): 2, (39, -2): 6, (39, -1): 3, (39, 0): 2, (39, 1): 1, (39, 2): 2, (39, 3): 1, (39, 4): 2, (39, 5): 3, (39, 6): 4, (39, 7): 3, (39, 8): 2, (39, 9): 1, (39, 10): 2, (39, 11): 1, (39, 12): 2, (39, 13): 3, (39, 14): 4, (39, 15): 5, (39, 16): 6, (39, 17): 5, (39, 18): 4, (39, 19): 3, (39, 20): 2, (39, 21): 1, (39, 22): 2, (39, 23): 3, (39, 24): 4, (39, 25): 3, (39, 26): 2, (39, 27): 1, (39, 28): 2, (39, 29): 1, (39, 30): 2, (39, 31): 3, (39, 33): 3, (39, 34): 2, (39, 35): 1, (39, 36): 2, (39, 37): 1, (39, 38): 2, (40, -2): 7, (40, -1): 6, (40, 0): 3, (40, 1): 4, (40, 2): 3, (40, 3): 2, (40, 4): 1, (40, 5): 2, (40, 6): 3, (40, 7): 4, (40, 8): 3, (40, 9): 2, (40, 10): 1, (40, 11): 2, (40, 12): 1, (40, 13): 2, (40, 14): 3, (40, 15): 4, (40, 16): 5, (40, 17): 6, (40, 18): 5, (40, 19): 4, (40, 20): 3, (40, 21): 2, (40, 22): 1, (40, 23): 2, (40, 24): 3, (40, 25): 4, (40, 26): 3, (40, 27): 2, (40, 28): 1, (40, 29): 2, (40, 30): 1, (40, 31): 2, (40, 32): 3, (40, 34): 3, (40, 35): 2, (40, 36): 1, (40, 37): 2, (40, 38): 1, (40, 39): 2, (41, -2): 6, (41, -1): 7, (41, 0): 6, (41, 1): 5, (41, 2): 4, (41, 3): 3, (41, 4): 2, (41, 5): 1, (41, 6): 2, (41, 7): 3, (41, 8): 4, (41, 9): 3, (41, 10): 2, (41, 11): 1, (41, 12): 2, (41, 13): 1, (41, 14): 2, (41, 15): 3, (41, 16): 4, (41, 17): 5, (41, 18): 6, (41, 19): 5, (41, 20): 4, (41, 21): 3, (41, 22): 2, (41, 23): 1, (41, 24): 2, (41, 25): 3, (41, 26): 4, (41, 27): 3, (41, 28): 2, (41, 29): 1, (41, 30): 2, (41, 31): 1, (41, 32): 2, (41, 33): 3, (41, 35): 3, (41, 36): 2, (41, 37): 1, (41, 38): 2, (41, 39): 1, (41, 40): 2, (42, -2): 5, (42, -1): 6, (42, 0): 7, (42, 1): 6, (42, 2): 5, (42, 3): 4, (42, 4): 3, (42, 5): 2, (42, 6): 1, (42, 7): 2, (42, 8): 3, (42, 9): 4, (42, 10): 3, (42, 11): 2, (42, 12): 1, (42, 13): 2, (42, 14): 1, (42, 15): 2, (42, 16): 3, (42, 17): 4, (42, 18): 5, (42, 19): 6, (42, 20): 5, (42, 21): 4, (42, 22): 3, (42, 23): 2, (42, 24): 1, (42, 25): 2, (42, 26): 3, (42, 27): 4, (42, 28): 3, (42, 29): 2, (42, 30): 1, (42, 31): 2, (42, 32): 1, (42, 33): 2, (42, 34): 3, (42, 36): 3, (42, 37): 2, (42, 38): 1, (42, 39): 2, (42, 40): 1, (42, 41): 2, (43, -2): 4, (43, -1): 5, (43, 0): 6, (43, 1): 7, (43, 2): 6, (43, 3): 5, (43, 4): 4, (43, 5): 3, (43, 6): 2, (43, 7): 1, (43, 8): 2, (43, 9): 3, (43, 10): 4, (43, 11): 3, (43, 12): 2, (43, 13): 1, (43, 14): 2, (43, 15): 1, (43, 16): 2, (43, 17): 3, (43, 18): 4, (43, 19): 5, (43, 20): 6, (43, 21): 5, (43, 22): 4, (43, 23): 3, (43, 24): 2, (43, 25): 1, (43, 26): 2, (43, 27): 3, (43, 28): 4, (43, 29): 3, (43, 30): 2, (43, 31): 1, (43, 32): 2, (43, 33): 1, (43, 34): 2, (43, 35): 3, (43, 37): 3, (43, 38): 2, (43, 39): 1, (43, 40): 2, (43, 41): 1, (43, 42): 2, (44, -2): 1, (44, -1): 4, (44, 0): 5, (44, 1): 4, (44, 2): 5, (44, 3): 6, (44, 4): 5, (44, 5): 4, (44, 6): 3, (44, 7): 2, (44, 8): 1, (44, 9): 2, (44, 10): 3, (44, 11): 4, (44, 12): 3, (44, 13): 2, (44, 14): 1, (44, 15): 2, (44, 16): 1, (44, 17): 2, (44, 18): 3, (44, 19): 4, (44, 20): 5, (44, 21): 6, (44, 22): 5, (44, 23): 4, (44, 24): 3, (44, 25): 2, (44, 26): 1, (44, 27): 2, (44, 28): 3, (44, 29): 4, (44, 30): 3, (44, 31): 2, (44, 32): 1, (44, 33): 2, (44, 34): 1, (44, 35): 2, (44, 36): 3, (44, 38): 3, (44, 39): 2, (44, 40): 1, (44, 41): 2, (44, 42): 1, (44, 43): 2, (45, -2): 2, (45, -1): 1, (45, 0): 4, (45, 1): 3, (45, 2): 4, (45, 3): 5, (45, 4): 6, (45, 5): 5, (45, 6): 4, (45, 7): 3, (45, 8): 2, (45, 9): 1, (45, 10): 2, (45, 11): 3, (45, 12): 4, (45, 13): 3, (45, 14): 2, (45, 15): 1, (45, 16): 2, (45, 17): 1, (45, 18): 2, (45, 19): 3, (45, 20): 4, (45, 21): 5, (45, 22): 6, (45, 23): 5, (45, 24): 4, (45, 25): 3, (45, 26): 2, (45, 27): 1, (45, 28): 2, (45, 29): 3, (45, 30): 4, (45, 31): 3, (45, 32): 2, (45, 33): 1, (45, 34): 2, (45, 35): 1, (45, 36): 2, (45, 37): 3, (45, 39): 3, (45, 40): 2, (45, 41): 1, (45, 42): 2, (45, 43): 1, (45, 44): 2, (46, -2): 1, (46, -1): 2, (46, 0): 1, (46, 1): 2, (46, 2): 3, (46, 3): 4, (46, 4): 5, (46, 5): 6, (46, 6): 5, (46, 7): 4, (46, 8): 3, (46, 9): 2, (46, 10): 1, (46, 11): 2, (46, 12): 3, (46, 13): 4, (46, 14): 3, (46, 15): 2, (46, 16): 1, (46, 17): 2, (46, 18): 1, (46, 19): 2, (46, 20): 3, (46, 21): 4, (46, 22): 5, (46, 23): 6, (46, 24): 5, (46, 25): 4, (46, 26): 3, (46, 27): 2, (46, 28): 1, (46, 29): 2, (46, 30): 3, (46, 31): 4, (46, 32): 3, (46, 33): 2, (46, 34): 1, (46, 35): 2, (46, 36): 1, (46, 37): 2, (46, 38): 3, (46, 40): 3, (46, 41): 2, (46, 42): 1, (46, 43): 2, (46, 44): 1, (46, 45): 2, (47, -2): 2, (47, -1): 1, (47, 0): 2, (47, 1): 1, (47, 2): 2, (47, 3): 3, (47, 4): 4, (47, 5): 5, (47, 6): 6, (47, 7): 5, (47, 8): 4, (47, 9): 3, (47, 10): 2, (47, 11): 1, (47, 12): 2, (47, 13): 3, (47, 14): 4, (47, 15): 3, (47, 16): 2, (47, 17): 1, (47, 18): 2, (47, 19): 1, (47, 20): 2, (47, 21): 3, (47, 22): 4, (47, 23): 5, (47, 24): 6, (47, 25): 5, (47, 26): 4, (47, 27): 3, (47, 28): 2, (47, 29): 1, (47, 30): 2, (47, 31): 3, (47, 32): 4, (47, 33): 3, (47, 34): 2, (47, 35): 1, (47, 36): 2, (47, 37): 1, (47, 38): 2, (47, 39): 3, (47, 41): 3, (47, 42): 2, (47, 43): 1, (47, 44): 2, (47, 45): 1, (47, 46): 2, (48, -2): 3, (48, -1): 2, (48, 0): 1, (48, 1): 2, (48, 2): 1, (48, 3): 2, (48, 4): 3, (48, 5): 4, (48, 6): 5, (48, 7): 6, (48, 8): 5, (48, 9): 4, (48, 10): 3, (48, 11): 2, (48, 12): 1, (48, 13): 2, (48, 14): 3, (48, 15): 4, (48, 16): 3, (48, 17): 2, (48, 18): 1, (48, 19): 2, (48, 20): 1, (48, 21): 2, (48, 22): 3, (48, 23): 4, (48, 24): 5, (48, 25): 6, (48, 26): 5, (48, 27): 4, (48, 28): 3, (48, 29): 2, (48, 30): 1, (48, 31): 2, (48, 32): 3, (48, 33): 4, (48, 34): 3, (48, 35): 2, (48, 36): 1, (48, 37): 2, (48, 38): 1, (48, 39): 2, (48, 40): 3, (48, 42): 3, (48, 43): 2, (48, 44): 1, (48, 45): 2, (48, 46): 1, (48, 47): 2, (49, -2): 4, (49, -1): 3, (49, 0): 2, (49, 1): 1, (49, 2): 2, (49, 3): 1, (49, 4): 2, (49, 5): 3, (49, 6): 4, (49, 7): 5, (49, 8): 6, (49, 9): 5, (49, 10): 4, (49, 11): 3, (49, 12): 2, (49, 13): 1, (49, 14): 2, (49, 15): 3, (49, 16): 4, (49, 17): 3, (49, 18): 2, (49, 19): 1, (49, 20): 2, (49, 21): 1, (49, 22): 2, (49, 23): 3, (49, 24): 4, (49, 25): 5, (49, 26): 6, (49, 27): 5, (49, 28): 4, (49, 29): 3, (49, 30): 2, (49, 31): 1, (49, 32): 2, (49, 33): 3, (49, 34): 4, (49, 35): 3, (49, 36): 2, (49, 37): 1, (49, 38): 2, (49, 39): 1, (49, 40): 2, (49, 41): 3, (49, 43): 3, (49, 44): 2, (49, 45): 1, (49, 46): 2, (49, 47): 1, (49, 48): 2, (50, -2): 3, (50, -1): 4, (50, 0): 3, (50, 1): 2, (50, 2): 1, (50, 3): 2, (50, 4): 1, (50, 5): 2, (50, 6): 3, (50, 7): 4, (50, 8): 5, (50, 9): 6, (50, 10): 5, (50, 11): 4, (50, 12): 3, (50, 13): 2, (50, 14): 1, (50, 15): 2, (50, 16): 3, (50, 17): 4, (50, 18): 3, (50, 19): 2, (50, 20): 1, (50, 21): 2, (50, 22): 1, (50, 23): 2, (50, 24): 3, (50, 25): 4, (50, 26): 5, (50, 27): 6, (50, 28): 5, (50, 29): 4, (50, 30): 3, (50, 31): 2, (50, 32): 1, (50, 33): 2, (50, 34): 3, (50, 35): 4, (50, 36): 3, (50, 37): 2, (50, 38): 1, (50, 39): 2, (50, 40): 1, (50, 41): 2, (50, 42): 3, (50, 44): 3, (50, 45): 2, (50, 46): 1, (50, 47): 2, (50, 48): 1, (50, 49): 2, (51, -2): 2, (51, -1): 3, (51, 0): 4, (51, 1): 3, (51, 2): 2, (51, 3): 1, (51, 4): 2, (51, 5): 1, (51, 6): 2, (51, 7): 3, (51, 8): 4, (51, 9): 5, (51, 10): 6, (51, 11): 5, (51, 12): 4, (51, 13): 3, (51, 14): 2, (51, 15): 1, (51, 16): 2, (51, 17): 3, (51, 18): 4, (51, 19): 3, (51, 20): 2, (51, 21): 1, (51, 22): 2, (51, 23): 1, (51, 24): 2, (51, 25): 3, (51, 26): 4, (51, 27): 5, (51, 28): 6, (51, 29): 5, (51, 30): 4, (51, 31): 3, (51, 32): 2, (51, 33): 1, (51, 34): 2, (51, 35): 3, (51, 36): 4, (51, 37): 3, (51, 38): 2, (51, 39): 1, (51, 40): 2, (51, 41): 1, (51, 42): 2, (51, 43): 3, (51, 45): 3, (51, 46): 2, (51, 47): 1, (51, 48): 2, (51, 49): 1, (51, 50): 2, (52, -2): 1, (52, -1): 2, (52, 0): 3, (52, 1): 4, (52, 2): 3, (52, 3): 2, 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(53, 29): 5, (53, 30): 6, (53, 31): 5, (53, 32): 4, (53, 33): 3, (53, 34): 2, (53, 35): 1, (53, 36): 2, (53, 37): 3, (53, 38): 4, (53, 39): 3, (53, 40): 2, (53, 41): 1, (53, 42): 2, (53, 43): 1, (53, 44): 2, (53, 45): 3, (53, 47): 3, (53, 48): 2, (53, 49): 1, (53, 50): 2, (53, 51): 1, (53, 52): 2, (54, -2): 1, (54, -1): 2, (54, 0): 1, (54, 1): 2, (54, 2): 3, (54, 3): 4, (54, 4): 3, (54, 5): 2, (54, 6): 1, (54, 7): 2, (54, 8): 1, (54, 9): 2, (54, 10): 3, (54, 11): 4, (54, 12): 5, (54, 13): 6, (54, 14): 5, (54, 15): 4, (54, 16): 3, (54, 17): 2, (54, 18): 1, (54, 19): 2, (54, 20): 3, (54, 21): 4, (54, 22): 3, (54, 23): 2, (54, 24): 1, (54, 25): 2, (54, 26): 1, (54, 27): 2, (54, 29): 4, (54, 30): 5, (54, 31): 6, (54, 32): 5, (54, 33): 4, (54, 34): 3, (54, 35): 2, (54, 36): 1, (54, 37): 2, (54, 38): 3, (54, 39): 4, (54, 40): 3, (54, 41): 2, (54, 42): 1, (54, 43): 2, (54, 44): 1, (54, 45): 2, (54, 46): 3, (54, 48): 3, (54, 49): 2, (54, 50): 1, (54, 51): 2, (54, 52): 1, (54, 53): 2, (55, -2): 2, (55, -1): 1, (55, 0): 2, (55, 1): 1, (55, 2): 2, (55, 3): 3, (55, 4): 4, (55, 5): 3, (55, 6): 2, (55, 7): 1, (55, 8): 2, (55, 9): 1, (55, 10): 2, (55, 11): 3, (55, 12): 4, (55, 13): 5, (55, 14): 6, (55, 15): 5, (55, 16): 4, (55, 17): 3, (55, 18): 2, (55, 19): 1, (55, 20): 2, (55, 21): 3, (55, 22): 4, (55, 23): 3, (55, 24): 2, (55, 25): 1, (55, 26): 2, (55, 27): 1, (55, 28): 2, (55, 30): 4, (55, 31): 5, (55, 32): 6, (55, 33): 5, (55, 34): 4, (55, 35): 3, (55, 36): 2, (55, 37): 1, (55, 38): 2, (55, 39): 3, (55, 40): 4, (55, 41): 3, (55, 42): 2, (55, 43): 1, (55, 44): 2, (55, 45): 1, (55, 46): 2, (55, 49): 3, (55, 50): 2, (55, 51): 1, (55, 52): 2, (55, 53): 1, (55, 54): 2, (56, -2): 1, (56, -1): 2, (56, 0): 1, (56, 1): 2, (56, 2): 1, (56, 3): 2, (56, 4): 3, (56, 5): 4, (56, 6): 3, (56, 7): 2, (56, 8): 1, (56, 9): 2, (56, 10): 1, (56, 11): 2, (56, 12): 3, (56, 13): 4, (56, 14): 5, (56, 15): 6, (56, 16): 5, (56, 17): 4, (56, 18): 3, (56, 19): 2, (56, 20): 1, (56, 21): 2, (56, 22): 3, (56, 23): 4, (56, 24): 3, (56, 25): 2, (56, 26): 1, (56, 27): 2, (56, 28): 1, (56, 29): 2, (56, 31): 4, (56, 32): 5, (56, 33): 6, (56, 34): 5, (56, 35): 4, (56, 36): 3, (56, 37): 2, (56, 38): 1, (56, 39): 2, (56, 40): 3, (56, 41): 4, (56, 42): 3, (56, 43): 2, (56, 44): 1, (56, 45): 2, (56, 46): 1, (56, 47): 2, (56, 50): 3, (56, 51): 2, (56, 52): 1, (56, 53): 2, (56, 54): 1, (56, 55): 2, (57, -2): 4, (57, -1): 1, (57, 0): 2, (57, 1): 3, (57, 2): 2, (57, 3): 1, (57, 4): 2, (57, 5): 3, (57, 6): 4, (57, 7): 3, (57, 8): 2, (57, 9): 1, (57, 10): 2, (57, 11): 1, (57, 12): 2, (57, 13): 3, (57, 14): 4, (57, 15): 5, (57, 16): 6, (57, 17): 5, (57, 18): 4, (57, 19): 3, (57, 20): 2, (57, 21): 1, (57, 22): 2, (57, 23): 3, (57, 24): 4, (57, 25): 3, (57, 26): 2, (57, 27): 1, (57, 28): 2, (57, 29): 1, (57, 30): 2, (57, 31): 3, (57, 32): 4, (57, 35): 5, (57, 36): 4, (57, 37): 3, (57, 38): 2, (57, 39): 1, (57, 40): 2, (57, 41): 3, (57, 42): 2, (57, 43): 3, (57, 44): 2, (57, 45): 1, (57, 46): 2, (57, 47): 1, (57, 48): 2, (57, 49): 3, (57, 51): 3, (57, 52): 2, (57, 53): 1, (57, 54): 2, (57, 55): 1, (57, 56): 2, (58, -2): 5, (58, -1): 4, (58, 0): 1, (58, 1): 4, (58, 2): 3, (58, 3): 2, (58, 4): 1, (58, 5): 2, (58, 6): 3, (58, 7): 4, (58, 8): 3, (58, 9): 2, (58, 10): 1, (58, 11): 2, (58, 12): 1, (58, 13): 2, (58, 14): 3, (58, 15): 4, (58, 16): 5, (58, 17): 6, (58, 18): 5, (58, 19): 4, (58, 20): 3, (58, 21): 2, (58, 22): 1, (58, 23): 2, (58, 24): 3, (58, 25): 4, (58, 26): 3, (58, 27): 2, (58, 28): 1, (58, 29): 2, (58, 30): 1, (58, 31): 2, (58, 32): 3, (58, 33): 4, (58, 36): 5, (58, 37): 4, (58, 38): 3, (58, 39): 2, (58, 40): 1, (58, 41): 2, (58, 42): 3, (58, 43): 2, (58, 44): 3, (58, 45): 2, (58, 46): 1, (58, 47): 2, (58, 48): 1, (58, 49): 2, (58, 50): 3, (58, 52): 3, (58, 53): 2, (58, 54): 1, (58, 55): 2, (58, 56): 1, (58, 57): 2, (59, -2): 6, (59, -1): 5, (59, 0): 4, (59, 2): 4, (59, 3): 3, (59, 4): 2, (59, 5): 1, (59, 10): 2, (59, 11): 1, (59, 12): 2, (59, 13): 1, (59, 14): 2, (59, 15): 3, (59, 16): 4, (59, 17): 5, (59, 18): 6, (59, 19): 5, (59, 20): 4, (59, 21): 3, (59, 22): 2, (59, 23): 1, (59, 24): 2, (59, 25): 3, (59, 26): 4, (59, 27): 3, (59, 28): 2, (59, 29): 1, (59, 30): 2, (59, 31): 1, (59, 32): 2, (59, 33): 3, (59, 34): 4, (59, 37): 5, (59, 38): 4, (59, 39): 3, (59, 40): 2, (59, 41): 1, (59, 42): 2, (59, 43): 3, (59, 44): 2, (59, 45): 3, (59, 46): 2, (59, 47): 1, (59, 48): 2, (59, 49): 1, (59, 50): 2, (59, 51): 3, (59, 53): 3, (59, 54): 2, (59, 55): 1, (59, 56): 2, (59, 57): 1, (59, 58): 2, (60, -2): 7, (60, -1): 6, (60, 0): 5, (60, 1): 6, (60, 2): 5, (60, 3): 4, (60, 4): 3, (60, 11): 2, (60, 12): 1, (60, 13): 2, (60, 14): 1, (60, 15): 2, (60, 16): 3, (60, 17): 4, (60, 18): 5, (60, 19): 6, (60, 20): 5, (60, 21): 4, (60, 22): 3, (60, 23): 2, (60, 24): 1, (60, 25): 2, (60, 26): 3, (60, 27): 4, (60, 28): 3, (60, 29): 2, (60, 30): 1, (60, 31): 2, (60, 32): 1, (60, 33): 2, (60, 34): 3, (60, 35): 4, (60, 38): 5, (60, 39): 4, (60, 40): 3, (60, 41): 2, (60, 42): 1, (60, 43): 2, (60, 44): 3, (60, 45): 2, (60, 46): 3, (60, 47): 2, (60, 48): 1, (60, 49): 2, (60, 50): 1, (60, 51): 2, (60, 52): 3, (60, 54): 3, (60, 55): 2, (60, 56): 1, (60, 57): 2, (60, 58): 1, (60, 59): 2, (61, -2): 8, (61, -1): 7, (61, 0): 6, (61, 1): 7, (61, 2): 6, (61, 3): 5, (61, 4): 4, (61, 12): 2, (61, 13): 1, (61, 14): 2, (61, 15): 1, (61, 16): 2, (61, 17): 3, (61, 18): 4, (61, 19): 5, (61, 20): 6, (61, 21): 5, (61, 22): 4, (61, 23): 3, (61, 24): 2, (61, 25): 1, (61, 26): 2, (61, 27): 3, (61, 28): 4, (61, 29): 3, (61, 30): 2, (61, 31): 1, (61, 32): 2, (61, 33): 1, (61, 34): 2, (61, 35): 3, (61, 36): 4, (61, 39): 5, (61, 40): 4, (61, 41): 3, (61, 42): 2, (61, 43): 1, (61, 44): 2, (61, 45): 3, (61, 46): 2, (61, 47): 3, (61, 48): 2, (61, 49): 1, (61, 50): 2, (61, 51): 1, (61, 52): 2, (61, 53): 3, (61, 55): 3, (61, 56): 2, (61, 57): 1, (61, 58): 2, (61, 59): 1, (61, 60): 2, (62, -2): 9, (62, -1): 8, (62, 0): 7, (62, 1): 8, (62, 2): 7, (62, 3): 6, (62, 4): 5, (62, 5): 4, (62, 13): 2, (62, 15): 2, (62, 16): 1, (62, 17): 2, (62, 18): 3, (62, 19): 4, (62, 20): 5, (62, 21): 6, (62, 22): 5, (62, 23): 4, (62, 24): 3, (62, 25): 2, (62, 26): 1, (62, 27): 2, (62, 28): 3, (62, 29): 4, (62, 30): 3, (62, 31): 2, (62, 32): 1, (62, 33): 2, (62, 34): 1, (62, 35): 2, (62, 36): 3, (62, 37): 4, (62, 40): 5, (62, 41): 4, (62, 42): 3, (62, 43): 2, (62, 44): 1, (62, 45): 2, (62, 46): 3, (62, 47): 2, (62, 48): 3, (62, 49): 2, (62, 50): 1, (62, 51): 2, (62, 52): 1, (62, 53): 2, (62, 54): 3, (62, 56): 3, (62, 57): 2, (62, 58): 1, (62, 59): 2, (62, 60): 1, (62, 61): 2, (63, -2): 6, (63, -1): 9, (63, 0): 8, (63, 1): 9, (63, 2): 8, (63, 3): 7, (63, 4): 6, (63, 15): 3, (63, 16): 2, (63, 17): 1, (63, 18): 2, (63, 19): 3, (63, 20): 4, (63, 21): 5, (63, 22): 6, (63, 23): 5, (63, 24): 4, (63, 25): 3, (63, 26): 2, (63, 27): 1, (63, 28): 2, (63, 29): 3, (63, 30): 4, (63, 31): 3, (63, 32): 2, (63, 33): 1, (63, 34): 2, (63, 35): 1, (63, 36): 2, (63, 37): 3, (63, 38): 4, (63, 41): 5, (63, 42): 4, (63, 43): 3, (63, 44): 2, (63, 45): 1, (63, 46): 2, (63, 47): 3, (63, 48): 2, (63, 49): 3, (63, 50): 2, (63, 51): 1, (63, 52): 2, (63, 53): 1, (63, 54): 2, (63, 55): 3, (63, 57): 3, (63, 58): 2, (63, 59): 1, (63, 60): 2, (63, 61): 1, (63, 62): 2, (64, -2): 5, (64, -1): 6, (64, 0): 9, (64, 1): 10, (64, 2): 9, (64, 3): 8, (64, 4): 7, (64, 13): 6, (64, 15): 4, (64, 16): 3, (64, 17): 2, (64, 18): 1, (64, 19): 2, (64, 20): 3, (64, 21): 4, (64, 22): 5, (64, 23): 6, (64, 24): 5, (64, 25): 4, (64, 26): 3, (64, 27): 2, (64, 28): 1, (64, 29): 2, (64, 30): 3, (64, 31): 4, (64, 32): 3, (64, 33): 2, (64, 34): 1, (64, 35): 2, (64, 36): 1, (64, 37): 2, (64, 38): 3, (64, 39): 4, (64, 42): 5, (64, 43): 4, (64, 44): 3, (64, 45): 2, (64, 46): 1, (64, 47): 2, (64, 48): 3, (64, 49): 2, (64, 50): 3, (64, 51): 2, (64, 52): 1, (64, 53): 2, (64, 54): 1, (64, 55): 2, (64, 56): 3, (64, 58): 3, (64, 59): 2, (64, 60): 1, (64, 61): 2, (64, 62): 1, (64, 63): 2, (65, -2): 4, (65, -1): 5, (65, 0): 6, (65, 2): 6, (65, 3): 7, (65, 4): 8, (65, 14): 6, (65, 15): 5, (65, 16): 4, (65, 17): 3, (65, 18): 2, (65, 19): 1, (65, 20): 2, (65, 21): 3, (65, 22): 4, (65, 23): 5, (65, 24): 6, (65, 25): 5, (65, 26): 4, (65, 27): 3, (65, 28): 2, (65, 29): 1, (65, 30): 2, (65, 31): 3, (65, 32): 4, (65, 33): 3, (65, 34): 2, (65, 35): 1, (65, 36): 2, (65, 37): 1, (65, 38): 2, (65, 39): 3, (65, 40): 4, (65, 43): 5, (65, 44): 4, (65, 45): 3, (65, 46): 2, (65, 47): 1, (65, 48): 2, (65, 49): 3, (65, 50): 2, (65, 51): 3, (65, 52): 2, (65, 53): 1, (65, 54): 2, (65, 55): 1, (65, 56): 2, (65, 57): 3, (65, 59): 3, (65, 60): 2, (65, 61): 1, (65, 62): 2, (65, 63): 1, (65, 64): 2, (66, -2): 3, (66, -1): 4, (66, 0): 5, (66, 2): 5, (66, 3): 6, (66, 4): 7, (66, 15): 6, (66, 16): 5, (66, 17): 4, (66, 18): 3, (66, 19): 2, (66, 20): 1, (66, 21): 2, (66, 22): 3, (66, 23): 4, (66, 24): 5, (66, 25): 6, (66, 26): 5, (66, 27): 4, (66, 28): 3, (66, 29): 2, (66, 30): 1, (66, 31): 2, (66, 32): 3, (66, 33): 4, (66, 34): 3, (66, 35): 2, (66, 36): 1, (66, 37): 2, (66, 38): 1, (66, 39): 2, (66, 40): 3, (66, 41): 4, (66, 44): 5, (66, 45): 4, (66, 46): 3, (66, 47): 2, (66, 48): 1, (66, 49): 2, (66, 50): 3, (66, 51): 2, (66, 52): 3, (66, 53): 2, (66, 54): 1, (66, 55): 2, (66, 56): 1, (66, 57): 2, (66, 58): 3, (66, 60): 3, (66, 61): 2, (66, 62): 1, (66, 63): 2, (66, 64): 1, (66, 65): 2, (67, -2): 2, (67, -1): 3, (67, 0): 4, (67, 2): 4, (67, 3): 5, (67, 4): 6, (67, 16): 6, (67, 17): 5, (67, 18): 4, (67, 19): 3, (67, 20): 2, (67, 21): 1, (67, 22): 2, (67, 23): 3, (67, 24): 4, (67, 25): 5, (67, 26): 6, (67, 27): 5, (67, 28): 4, (67, 29): 3, (67, 30): 2, (67, 31): 1, (67, 32): 2, (67, 33): 3, (67, 34): 4, (67, 35): 3, (67, 36): 2, (67, 37): 1, (67, 38): 2, (67, 39): 1, (67, 40): 2, (67, 41): 3, (67, 42): 4, (67, 45): 5, (67, 46): 4, (67, 47): 3, (67, 48): 2, (67, 49): 1, (67, 50): 2, (67, 51): 3, (67, 52): 2, (67, 53): 3, (67, 54): 2, (67, 55): 1, (67, 56): 2, (67, 57): 1, (67, 58): 2, (67, 59): 3, (67, 61): 3, (67, 62): 2, (67, 63): 1, (67, 64): 2, (67, 65): 1, (67, 66): 2, (68, -2): 1, (68, -1): 2, (68, 0): 3, (68, 2): 3, (68, 3): 4, (68, 4): 5, (68, 15): 8, (68, 16): 7, (68, 17): 6, (68, 18): 5, (68, 19): 4, (68, 20): 3, (68, 21): 2, (68, 22): 1, (68, 23): 2, (68, 24): 3, (68, 25): 4, (68, 26): 5, (68, 27): 6, (68, 28): 5, (68, 29): 4, (68, 30): 3, (68, 31): 2, (68, 32): 1, (68, 33): 2, (68, 34): 3, (68, 35): 4, (68, 36): 3, (68, 37): 2, (68, 38): 1, (68, 39): 2, (68, 40): 1, (68, 41): 2, (68, 42): 3, (68, 43): 4, (68, 46): 5, (68, 47): 4, (68, 48): 3, (68, 49): 2, (68, 50): 1, (68, 51): 2, (68, 52): 3, (68, 53): 2, (68, 54): 3, (68, 55): 2, (68, 56): 1, (68, 57): 2, (68, 58): 1, (68, 59): 2, (68, 60): 3, (68, 62): 3, (68, 63): 2, (68, 64): 1, (68, 65): 2, (68, 66): 1, (68, 67): 2, (69, -2): 2, (69, -1): 1, (69, 0): 2, (69, 2): 2, (69, 3): 3, (69, 4): 4, (69, 5): 5, (69, 10): 4, (69, 14): 6, (69, 15): 7, (69, 16): 8, (69, 17): 7, (69, 18): 6, (69, 19): 5, (69, 20): 4, (69, 21): 3, (69, 22): 2, (69, 23): 1, (69, 24): 2, (69, 25): 3, (69, 26): 4, (69, 27): 5, (69, 28): 6, (69, 29): 5, (69, 30): 4, (69, 31): 3, (69, 32): 2, (69, 33): 1, (69, 34): 2, (69, 35): 3, (69, 36): 4, (69, 37): 3, (69, 38): 2, (69, 39): 1, (69, 40): 2, (69, 41): 1, (69, 42): 2, (69, 43): 3, (69, 44): 4, (69, 47): 5, (69, 48): 4, (69, 49): 3, (69, 50): 2, (69, 51): 1, (69, 52): 2, (69, 53): 3, (69, 54): 2, (69, 55): 3, (69, 56): 2, (69, 57): 1, (69, 58): 2, (69, 59): 1, (69, 60): 2, (69, 61): 3, (69, 63): 3, (69, 64): 2, (69, 65): 1, (69, 66): 2, (69, 67): 1, (69, 68): 2, (70, -2): 3, (70, -1): 2, (70, 0): 1, (70, 1): 2, (70, 2): 1, (70, 3): 2, (70, 4): 3, (70, 10): 3, (70, 11): 4, (70, 15): 6, (70, 16): 7, (70, 17): 8, (70, 18): 7, (70, 19): 6, (70, 20): 5, (70, 21): 4, (70, 22): 3, (70, 23): 2, (70, 24): 1, (70, 25): 2, (70, 26): 3, (70, 27): 4, (70, 28): 5, (70, 29): 6, (70, 30): 5, (70, 31): 4, (70, 32): 3, (70, 33): 2, (70, 34): 1, (70, 35): 2, (70, 36): 3, (70, 37): 4, (70, 38): 3, (70, 39): 2, (70, 40): 1, (70, 41): 2, (70, 42): 1, (70, 43): 2, (70, 44): 3, (70, 45): 4, (70, 48): 5, (70, 49): 4, (70, 50): 3, (70, 51): 2, (70, 52): 1, (70, 53): 2, (70, 54): 3, (70, 55): 2, (70, 56): 3, (70, 57): 2, (70, 58): 1, (70, 59): 2, (70, 60): 1, (70, 61): 2, (70, 62): 3, (70, 64): 3, (70, 65): 2, (70, 66): 1, (70, 67): 2, (70, 68): 1, (70, 69): 2, (71, -2): 4, (71, -1): 3, (71, 0): 2, (71, 1): 1, (71, 2): 2, (71, 3): 1, (71, 4): 2, (71, 5): 3, (71, 8): 4, (71, 11): 3, (71, 12): 4, (71, 16): 6, (71, 17): 7, (71, 18): 8, (71, 19): 7, (71, 20): 6, (71, 21): 5, (71, 22): 4, (71, 23): 3, (71, 24): 2, (71, 25): 1, (71, 26): 2, (71, 27): 3, (71, 28): 4, (71, 29): 5, (71, 30): 6, (71, 31): 5, (71, 32): 4, (71, 33): 3, (71, 34): 2, (71, 35): 1, (71, 36): 2, (71, 37): 3, (71, 38): 4, (71, 39): 3, (71, 40): 2, (71, 41): 1, (71, 42): 2, (71, 43): 1, (71, 44): 2, (71, 45): 3, (71, 46): 4, (71, 49): 5, (71, 50): 4, (71, 51): 3, (71, 52): 2, (71, 53): 1, (71, 54): 2, (71, 55): 3, (71, 56): 2, (71, 57): 3, (71, 58): 2, (71, 59): 1, (71, 60): 2, (71, 61): 1, (71, 62): 2, (71, 63): 3, (71, 65): 3, (71, 66): 2, (71, 67): 1, (71, 68): 2, (71, 69): 1, (71, 70): 2, (72, -2): 5, (72, -1): 4, (72, 0): 3, (72, 1): 2, (72, 2): 3, (72, 3): 2, (72, 4): 1, (72, 5): 2, (72, 9): 4, (72, 12): 3, (72, 13): 4, (72, 14): 5, (72, 17): 6, (72, 18): 7, (72, 19): 8, (72, 20): 7, (72, 21): 6, (72, 22): 5, (72, 23): 4, (72, 24): 3, (72, 25): 2, (72, 26): 1, (72, 27): 2, (72, 28): 3, (72, 29): 4, (72, 30): 5, (72, 31): 6, (72, 32): 5, (72, 33): 4, (72, 34): 3, (72, 35): 2, (72, 36): 1, (72, 37): 2, (72, 38): 3, (72, 39): 4, (72, 40): 3, (72, 41): 2, (72, 42): 1, (72, 43): 2, (72, 44): 1, (72, 45): 2, (72, 46): 3, (72, 47): 4, (72, 50): 5, (72, 51): 4, (72, 52): 3, (72, 53): 2, (72, 54): 1, (72, 55): 2, (72, 56): 3, (72, 57): 2, (72, 58): 3, (72, 59): 2, (72, 60): 1, (72, 61): 2, (72, 62): 1, (72, 63): 2, (72, 64): 3, (72, 66): 3, (72, 67): 2, (72, 68): 1, (72, 69): 2, (72, 70): 1, (72, 71): 2, (73, -2): 6, (73, -1): 5, (73, 0): 4, (73, 1): 5, (73, 2): 4, (73, 3): 3, (73, 4): 2, (73, 5): 1, (73, 6): 2, (73, 10): 4, (73, 12): 2, (73, 13): 3, (73, 14): 4, (73, 15): 5, (73, 18): 6, (73, 19): 7, (73, 20): 8, (73, 21): 7, (73, 22): 6, (73, 23): 5, (73, 24): 4, (73, 25): 3, (73, 26): 2, (73, 27): 1, (73, 28): 2, (73, 29): 3, (73, 30): 4, (73, 31): 5, (73, 32): 6, (73, 33): 5, (73, 34): 4, (73, 35): 3, (73, 36): 2, (73, 37): 1, (73, 38): 2, (73, 39): 3, (73, 40): 4, (73, 41): 3, (73, 42): 2, (73, 43): 1, (73, 44): 2, (73, 45): 1, (73, 46): 2, (73, 47): 3, (73, 48): 4, (73, 51): 5, (73, 52): 4, (73, 53): 3, (73, 54): 2, (73, 55): 1, (73, 56): 2, (73, 57): 3, (73, 58): 2, (73, 59): 3, (73, 60): 2, (73, 61): 1, (73, 62): 2, (73, 63): 1, (73, 64): 2, (73, 65): 3, (73, 67): 3, (73, 68): 2, (73, 69): 1, (73, 70): 2, (73, 71): 1, (73, 72): 2, (74, -2): 5, (74, -1): 6, (74, 0): 5, (74, 1): 6, (74, 2): 5, (74, 3): 4, (74, 4): 3, (74, 5): 2, (74, 6): 1, (74, 7): 2, (74, 8): 3, (74, 9): 2, (74, 10): 3, (74, 11): 4, (74, 12): 1, (74, 13): 2, (74, 14): 3, (74, 15): 4, (74, 16): 5, (74, 17): 4, (74, 18): 5, (74, 19): 6, (74, 20): 7, (74, 21): 8, (74, 22): 7, (74, 23): 6, (74, 24): 5, (74, 25): 4, (74, 26): 3, (74, 27): 2, (74, 28): 1, (74, 29): 2, (74, 30): 3, (74, 31): 4, (74, 32): 5, (74, 33): 4, (74, 34): 3, (74, 35): 4, (74, 36): 3, (74, 37): 2, (74, 38): 1, (74, 39): 2, (74, 40): 3, (74, 41): 2, (74, 42): 3, (74, 43): 2, (74, 44): 1, (74, 45): 2, (74, 46): 1, (74, 47): 2, (74, 55): 2, (74, 56): 1, (74, 57): 2, (74, 58): 3, (74, 59): 2, (74, 60): 3, (74, 61): 2, (74, 62): 1, (74, 63): 2, (74, 64): 1, (74, 65): 2, (74, 66): 3, (74, 67): 2, (74, 68): 3, (74, 69): 2, (74, 70): 1, (74, 71): 2, (74, 72): 1, (74, 73): 2, (75, -2): 4, (75, -1): 5, (75, 0): 6, (75, 1): 7, (75, 2): 6, (75, 3): 5, (75, 4): 4, (75, 5): 3, (75, 6): 2, (75, 7): 1, (75, 8): 2, (75, 9): 3, (75, 10): 2, (75, 11): 3, (75, 12): 4, (75, 14): 2, (75, 15): 3, (75, 16): 4, (75, 18): 4, (75, 19): 5, (75, 20): 6, (75, 21): 7, (75, 22): 8, (75, 23): 7, (75, 24): 6, (75, 25): 5, (75, 26): 4, (75, 27): 3, (75, 28): 2, (75, 29): 1, (75, 30): 2, (75, 31): 3, (75, 32): 4, (75, 33): 5, (75, 35): 5, (75, 36): 4, (75, 37): 3, (75, 38): 2, (75, 39): 1, (75, 40): 2, (75, 41): 3, (75, 43): 3, (75, 44): 2, (75, 45): 1, (75, 46): 2, (75, 47): 1, (75, 48): 2, (75, 49): 3, (75, 50): 4, (75, 53): 5, (75, 54): 4, (75, 55): 3, (75, 56): 2, (75, 57): 1, (75, 58): 2, (75, 59): 3, (75, 60): 2, (75, 61): 3, (75, 62): 2, (75, 63): 1, (75, 64): 2, (75, 65): 1, (75, 66): 2, (75, 67): 3, (75, 69): 3, (75, 70): 2, (75, 71): 1, (75, 72): 2, (75, 73): 1, (75, 74): 2, (76, -2): 3, (76, -1): 4, (76, 0): 5, (76, 1): 6, (76, 2): 7, (76, 3): 6, (76, 4): 5, (76, 5): 4, (76, 6): 3, (76, 7): 2, (76, 8): 1, (76, 9): 2, (76, 10): 3, (76, 11): 2, (76, 12): 3, (76, 13): 4, (76, 15): 2, (76, 16): 3, (76, 19): 4, (76, 20): 5, (76, 21): 6, (76, 22): 7, (76, 23): 8, (76, 24): 7, (76, 25): 6, (76, 26): 5, (76, 27): 4, (76, 28): 3, (76, 29): 2, (76, 30): 1, (76, 31): 2, (76, 32): 3, (76, 33): 4, (76, 34): 5, (76, 36): 5, (76, 37): 4, (76, 38): 3, (76, 39): 2, (76, 40): 1, (76, 41): 2, (76, 42): 3, (76, 44): 3, (76, 45): 2, (76, 46): 1, (76, 47): 2, (76, 48): 1, (76, 49): 2, (76, 50): 3, (76, 51): 4, (76, 54): 5, (76, 55): 4, (76, 56): 3, (76, 57): 2, (76, 58): 1, (76, 59): 2, (76, 60): 3, (76, 61): 2, (76, 62): 3, (76, 63): 2, (76, 64): 1, (76, 65): 2, (76, 66): 1, (76, 67): 2, (76, 68): 3, (76, 70): 3, (76, 71): 2, (76, 72): 1, (76, 73): 2, (76, 74): 1, (76, 75): 2, (77, -2): 2, (77, -1): 3, (77, 0): 4, (77, 1): 5, (77, 2): 4, (77, 3): 5, (77, 4): 6, (77, 5): 5, (77, 6): 4, (77, 7): 3, (77, 8): 2, (77, 9): 1, (77, 10): 2, (77, 11): 3, (77, 12): 2, (77, 13): 3, (77, 14): 2, (77, 15): 1, (77, 16): 2, (77, 17): 3, (77, 20): 4, (77, 21): 5, (77, 22): 6, (77, 23): 7, (77, 24): 8, (77, 25): 7, (77, 26): 6, (77, 27): 5, (77, 28): 4, (77, 29): 3, (77, 30): 2, (77, 31): 1, (77, 32): 2, (77, 33): 3, (77, 34): 4, (77, 35): 5, (77, 37): 5, (77, 38): 4, (77, 39): 3, (77, 40): 2, (77, 41): 1, (77, 42): 2, (77, 43): 3, (77, 45): 3, (77, 46): 2, (77, 47): 1, (77, 48): 2, (77, 49): 1, (77, 50): 2, (77, 51): 3, (77, 52): 4, (77, 55): 5, (77, 56): 4, (77, 57): 3, (77, 58): 2, (77, 59): 1, (77, 60): 2, (77, 61): 3, (77, 62): 2, (77, 63): 3, (77, 64): 2, (77, 65): 1, (77, 66): 2, (77, 67): 1, (77, 68): 2, (77, 69): 3, (77, 71): 3, (77, 72): 2, (77, 73): 1, (77, 74): 2, (77, 75): 1, (77, 76): 2, (78, -2): 1, (78, -1): 2, (78, 0): 3, (78, 1): 2, (78, 2): 3, (78, 3): 4, (78, 4): 5, (78, 5): 6, (78, 6): 5, (78, 7): 4, (78, 8): 3, (78, 9): 2, (78, 10): 1, (78, 11): 2, (78, 12): 3, (78, 13): 2, (78, 14): 3, (78, 15): 2, (78, 16): 1, (78, 17): 2, (78, 18): 3, (78, 21): 4, (78, 22): 5, (78, 23): 6, (78, 24): 7, (78, 25): 8, (78, 26): 7, (78, 27): 6, (78, 28): 5, (78, 29): 4, (78, 30): 3, (78, 31): 2, (78, 32): 1, (78, 33): 2, (78, 34): 3, (78, 35): 4, (78, 36): 5, (78, 38): 5, (78, 39): 4, (78, 40): 3, (78, 41): 2, (78, 42): 1, (78, 43): 2, (78, 44): 3, (78, 46): 3, (78, 47): 2, (78, 48): 1, (78, 49): 2, (78, 50): 1, (78, 51): 2, (78, 52): 3, (78, 53): 4, (78, 56): 5, (78, 57): 4, (78, 58): 3, (78, 59): 2, (78, 60): 1, (78, 61): 2, (78, 62): 3, (78, 63): 2, (78, 64): 3, (78, 65): 2, (78, 66): 1, (78, 67): 2, (78, 68): 1, (78, 69): 2, (78, 70): 3, (78, 72): 3, (78, 73): 2, (78, 74): 1, (78, 75): 2, (78, 76): 1, (78, 77): 2, (79, -2): 2, (79, -1): 1, (79, 0): 2, (79, 1): 1, (79, 2): 2, (79, 3): 3, (79, 4): 4, (79, 5): 5, (79, 6): 6, (79, 7): 5, (79, 8): 4, (79, 9): 3, (79, 10): 2, (79, 11): 1, (79, 12): 2, (79, 13): 3, (79, 14): 2, (79, 15): 3, (79, 16): 2, (79, 17): 1, (79, 18): 2, (79, 19): 3, (79, 22): 4, (79, 23): 5, (79, 24): 6, (79, 25): 7, (79, 26): 8, (79, 27): 7, (79, 28): 6, (79, 29): 5, (79, 30): 4, (79, 31): 3, (79, 32): 2, (79, 33): 1, (79, 34): 2, (79, 35): 3, (79, 36): 4, (79, 37): 5, (79, 39): 5, (79, 40): 4, (79, 41): 3, (79, 42): 2, (79, 43): 1, (79, 44): 2, (79, 45): 3, (79, 47): 3, (79, 48): 2, (79, 49): 1, (79, 50): 2, (79, 51): 1, (79, 52): 2, (79, 53): 3, (79, 54): 4, (79, 57): 5, (79, 58): 4, (79, 59): 3, (79, 60): 2, (79, 61): 1, (79, 62): 2, (79, 63): 3, (79, 64): 2, (79, 65): 3, (79, 66): 2, (79, 67): 1, (79, 68): 2, (79, 69): 1, (79, 70): 2, (79, 71): 3, (79, 73): 3, (79, 74): 2, (79, 75): 1, (79, 76): 2, (79, 77): 1, (79, 78): 2, (80, -2): 3, (80, -1): 2, (80, 0): 1, (80, 1): 2, (80, 2): 1, (80, 3): 2, (80, 4): 3, (80, 5): 4, (80, 6): 5, (80, 7): 6, (80, 8): 5, (80, 9): 4, (80, 10): 3, (80, 11): 2, (80, 12): 1, (80, 13): 2, (80, 14): 3, (80, 15): 2, (80, 16): 3, (80, 17): 2, (80, 18): 1, (80, 19): 2, (80, 21): 2, (80, 23): 4, (80, 24): 5, (80, 25): 6, (80, 26): 7, (80, 27): 8, (80, 28): 7, (80, 29): 6, (80, 30): 5, (80, 31): 4, (80, 32): 3, (80, 33): 2, (80, 34): 1, (80, 35): 2, (80, 36): 3, (80, 37): 4, (80, 38): 5, (80, 40): 5, (80, 41): 4, (80, 42): 3, (80, 43): 2, (80, 44): 1, (80, 45): 2, (80, 46): 3, (80, 48): 3, (80, 49): 2, (80, 50): 1, (80, 51): 2, (80, 52): 1, (80, 53): 2, (80, 54): 3, (80, 55): 4, (80, 58): 5, (80, 59): 4, (80, 60): 3, (80, 61): 2, (80, 62): 1, (80, 63): 2, (80, 64): 3, (80, 65): 2, (80, 66): 3, (80, 67): 2, (80, 68): 1, (80, 69): 2, (80, 70): 1, (80, 71): 2, (80, 72): 3, (80, 74): 3, (80, 75): 2, (80, 76): 1, (80, 77): 2, (80, 78): 1, (80, 79): 2, (81, -2): 4, (81, -1): 3, (81, 0): 2, (81, 1): 1, (81, 2): 2, (81, 3): 1, (81, 4): 2, (81, 5): 3, (81, 6): 4, (81, 7): 5, (81, 8): 6, (81, 9): 5, (81, 10): 4, (81, 11): 3, (81, 12): 2, (81, 13): 1, (81, 14): 2, (81, 15): 3, (81, 16): 2, (81, 17): 3, (81, 18): 2, (81, 19): 1, (81, 20): 2, (81, 22): 2, (81, 24): 4, (81, 25): 5, (81, 26): 6, (81, 27): 7, (81, 28): 8, (81, 29): 7, (81, 30): 6, (81, 31): 5, (81, 32): 4, (81, 33): 3, (81, 34): 2, (81, 35): 1, (81, 36): 2, (81, 37): 3, (81, 38): 4, (81, 39): 5, (81, 41): 5, (81, 42): 4, (81, 43): 3, (81, 44): 2, (81, 45): 1, (81, 46): 2, (81, 47): 3, (81, 49): 3, (81, 50): 2, (81, 51): 1, (81, 52): 2, (81, 53): 1, (81, 54): 2, (81, 55): 3, (81, 56): 4, (81, 59): 5, (81, 60): 4, (81, 61): 3, (81, 62): 2, (81, 63): 1, (81, 64): 2, (81, 65): 3, (81, 66): 2, (81, 67): 3, (81, 68): 2, (81, 69): 1, (81, 70): 2, (81, 71): 1, (81, 72): 2, (81, 73): 3, (81, 75): 3, (81, 76): 2, (81, 77): 1, (81, 78): 2, (81, 79): 1, (81, 80): 2, (82, -2): 3, (82, -1): 4, (82, 0): 3, (82, 1): 2, (82, 2): 1, (82, 3): 2, (82, 4): 1, (82, 5): 2, (82, 6): 3, (82, 7): 4, (82, 8): 5, (82, 9): 6, (82, 10): 5, (82, 11): 4, (82, 12): 3, (82, 13): 2, (82, 14): 1, (82, 15): 2, (82, 16): 3, (82, 17): 2, (82, 18): 3, (82, 19): 2, (82, 20): 1, (82, 21): 2, (82, 23): 2, (82, 25): 4, (82, 26): 5, (82, 27): 6, (82, 28): 7, (82, 29): 8, (82, 30): 7, (82, 31): 6, (82, 32): 5, (82, 33): 4, (82, 34): 3, (82, 35): 2, (82, 36): 1, (82, 37): 2, (82, 38): 3, (82, 39): 4, (82, 40): 5, (82, 42): 5, (82, 43): 4, (82, 44): 3, (82, 45): 2, (82, 46): 1, (82, 47): 2, (82, 48): 3, (82, 50): 3, (82, 51): 2, (82, 52): 1, (82, 53): 2, (82, 54): 1, (82, 55): 2, (82, 56): 3, (82, 57): 4, (82, 60): 5, (82, 61): 4, (82, 62): 3, (82, 63): 2, (82, 64): 1, (82, 65): 2, (82, 66): 3, (82, 67): 2, (82, 68): 3, (82, 69): 2, (82, 70): 1, (82, 71): 2, (82, 72): 1, (82, 73): 2, (82, 74): 3, (82, 76): 3, (82, 77): 2, (82, 78): 1, (82, 79): 2, (82, 80): 1, (82, 81): 2, (83, -2): 2, (83, -1): 3, (83, 0): 4, (83, 1): 3, (83, 2): 2, (83, 3): 1, (83, 4): 2, (83, 5): 1, (83, 6): 2, (83, 7): 3, (83, 8): 4, (83, 9): 5, (83, 10): 6, (83, 11): 5, (83, 12): 4, (83, 13): 3, (83, 14): 2, (83, 15): 1, (83, 16): 2, (83, 17): 3, (83, 18): 2, (83, 19): 3, (83, 20): 2, (83, 21): 1, (83, 22): 2, (83, 24): 2, (83, 26): 4, (83, 27): 5, (83, 28): 6, (83, 29): 7, (83, 30): 8, (83, 31): 7, (83, 32): 6, (83, 33): 5, (83, 34): 4, (83, 35): 3, (83, 36): 2, (83, 37): 1, (83, 38): 2, (83, 39): 3, (83, 40): 4, (83, 41): 5, (83, 43): 5, (83, 44): 4, (83, 45): 3, (83, 46): 2, (83, 47): 1, (83, 48): 2, (83, 49): 3, (83, 51): 3, (83, 52): 2, (83, 53): 1, (83, 54): 2, (83, 55): 1, (83, 56): 2, (83, 57): 3, (83, 58): 4, (83, 61): 5, (83, 62): 4, (83, 63): 3, (83, 64): 2, (83, 65): 1, (83, 66): 2, (83, 67): 3, (83, 68): 2, (83, 69): 3, (83, 70): 2, (83, 71): 1, (83, 72): 2, (83, 73): 1, (83, 74): 2, (83, 75): 3, (83, 77): 3, (83, 78): 2, (83, 79): 1, (83, 80): 2, (83, 81): 1, (83, 82): 2, (84, -2): 1, (84, -1): 2, (84, 0): 3, (84, 1): 4, (84, 2): 3, (84, 3): 2, (84, 4): 1, (84, 5): 2, (84, 6): 1, (84, 7): 2, (84, 8): 3, (84, 9): 4, (84, 10): 5, (84, 11): 6, (84, 12): 5, (84, 13): 4, (84, 14): 3, (84, 15): 2, (84, 16): 1, (84, 17): 2, (84, 18): 3, (84, 19): 2, (84, 20): 3, (84, 21): 2, (84, 22): 1, (84, 23): 2, (84, 24): 1, (84, 25): 2, (84, 27): 4, (84, 28): 5, (84, 29): 6, (84, 30): 7, (84, 31): 8, (84, 32): 7, (84, 33): 6, (84, 34): 5, (84, 35): 4, (84, 36): 3, (84, 37): 2, (84, 38): 1, (84, 39): 2, (84, 40): 3, (84, 41): 4, (84, 42): 5, (84, 44): 5, (84, 45): 4, (84, 46): 3, (84, 47): 2, (84, 48): 1, (84, 49): 2, (84, 50): 3, (84, 52): 3, (84, 53): 2, (84, 54): 1, (84, 55): 2, (84, 56): 1, (84, 57): 2, (84, 58): 3, (84, 59): 4, (84, 62): 5, (84, 63): 4, (84, 64): 3, (84, 65): 2, (84, 66): 1, (84, 67): 2, (84, 68): 3, (84, 69): 2, (84, 70): 3, (84, 71): 2, (84, 72): 1, (84, 73): 2, (84, 74): 1, (84, 75): 2, (84, 76): 3, (84, 78): 3, (84, 79): 2, (84, 80): 1, (84, 81): 2, (84, 82): 1, (84, 83): 2, (85, -2): 2, (85, -1): 1, (85, 0): 2, (85, 1): 3, (85, 2): 4, (85, 3): 3, (85, 4): 2, (85, 5): 1, (85, 6): 2, (85, 7): 1, (85, 8): 2, (85, 9): 3, (85, 10): 4, (85, 11): 5, (85, 12): 6, (85, 13): 5, (85, 14): 4, (85, 15): 3, (85, 16): 2, (85, 17): 1, (85, 18): 2, (85, 19): 3, (85, 20): 2, (85, 21): 3, (85, 22): 2, (85, 23): 1, (85, 24): 2, (85, 25): 1, (85, 26): 2, (85, 28): 4, (85, 29): 5, (85, 30): 6, (85, 31): 7, (85, 32): 8, (85, 33): 7, (85, 34): 6, (85, 35): 5, (85, 36): 4, (85, 37): 3, (85, 38): 2, (85, 39): 1, (85, 40): 2, (85, 41): 3, (85, 42): 4, (85, 43): 5, (85, 45): 5, (85, 46): 4, (85, 47): 3, (85, 48): 2, (85, 49): 1, (85, 50): 2, (85, 51): 3, (85, 53): 3, (85, 54): 2, (85, 55): 1, (85, 56): 2, (85, 57): 1, (85, 58): 2, (85, 59): 3, (85, 60): 4, (85, 63): 5, (85, 64): 4, (85, 65): 3, (85, 66): 2, (85, 67): 1, (85, 68): 2, (85, 69): 3, (85, 70): 2, (85, 71): 3, (85, 72): 2, (85, 73): 1, (85, 74): 2, (85, 75): 1, (85, 76): 2, (85, 77): 3, (85, 79): 3, (85, 80): 2, (85, 81): 1, (85, 82): 2, (85, 83): 1, (85, 84): 2, (86, -2): 1, (86, -1): 2, (86, 0): 1, (86, 1): 2, (86, 2): 3, (86, 3): 4, (86, 4): 3, (86, 5): 2, (86, 6): 1, (86, 7): 2, (86, 8): 1, (86, 9): 2, (86, 10): 3, (86, 11): 4, (86, 12): 5, (86, 13): 6, (86, 14): 5, (86, 15): 4, (86, 16): 3, (86, 17): 2, (86, 18): 1, (86, 19): 2, (86, 20): 3, (86, 21): 2, (86, 22): 3, (86, 23): 2, (86, 24): 1, (86, 25): 2, (86, 26): 1, (86, 27): 2, (86, 29): 4, (86, 30): 5, (86, 31): 6, (86, 32): 7, (86, 33): 8, (86, 34): 7, (86, 35): 6, (86, 36): 5, (86, 37): 4, (86, 38): 3, (86, 39): 2, (86, 40): 1, (86, 41): 2, (86, 42): 3, (86, 43): 4, (86, 44): 5, (86, 46): 5, (86, 47): 4, (86, 48): 3, (86, 49): 2, (86, 50): 1, (86, 51): 2, (86, 52): 3, (86, 54): 3, (86, 55): 2, (86, 56): 1, (86, 57): 2, (86, 58): 1, (86, 59): 2, (86, 60): 3, (86, 61): 4, (86, 64): 5, (86, 65): 4, (86, 66): 3, (86, 67): 2, (86, 68): 1, (86, 69): 2, (86, 70): 3, (86, 71): 2, (86, 72): 3, (86, 73): 2, (86, 74): 1, (86, 75): 2, (86, 76): 1, (86, 77): 2, (86, 78): 3, (86, 80): 3, (86, 81): 2, (86, 82): 1, (86, 83): 2, (86, 84): 1, (86, 85): 2, (87, -2): 2, (87, -1): 1, (87, 0): 2, (87, 1): 1, (87, 2): 2, (87, 3): 3, (87, 4): 4, (87, 5): 3, (87, 6): 2, (87, 7): 1, (87, 8): 2, (87, 9): 1, (87, 10): 2, (87, 11): 3, (87, 12): 4, (87, 13): 5, (87, 14): 6, (87, 15): 5, (87, 16): 4, (87, 17): 3, (87, 18): 2, (87, 19): 1, (87, 20): 2, (87, 21): 3, (87, 22): 2, (87, 23): 3, (87, 24): 2, (87, 25): 1, (87, 26): 2, (87, 27): 1, (87, 28): 2, (87, 30): 4, (87, 31): 5, (87, 32): 6, (87, 33): 7, (87, 34): 8, (87, 35): 7, (87, 36): 6, (87, 37): 5, (87, 38): 4, (87, 39): 3, (87, 40): 2, (87, 41): 1, (87, 42): 2, (87, 43): 3, (87, 44): 4, (87, 45): 5, 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3, (88, 41): 2, (88, 42): 1, (88, 43): 2, (88, 44): 3, (88, 45): 4, (88, 46): 5, (88, 48): 5, (88, 49): 4, (88, 50): 3, (88, 51): 2, (88, 52): 1, (88, 53): 2, (88, 54): 3, (88, 56): 3, (88, 57): 2, (88, 58): 1, (88, 59): 2, (88, 60): 1, (88, 61): 2, (88, 62): 3, (88, 63): 4, (88, 66): 5, (88, 67): 4, (88, 68): 3, (88, 69): 2, (88, 70): 1, (88, 71): 2, (88, 72): 3, (88, 73): 2, (88, 74): 3, (88, 75): 2, (88, 76): 1, (88, 77): 2, (88, 78): 1, (88, 79): 2, (88, 80): 3, (88, 82): 3, (88, 83): 2, (88, 84): 1, (88, 85): 2, (88, 86): 1, (88, 87): 2, (89, -2): 4, (89, -1): 3, (89, 0): 2, (89, 1): 1, (89, 2): 2, (89, 3): 1, (89, 4): 2, (89, 5): 3, (89, 6): 4, (89, 7): 3, (89, 8): 2, (89, 9): 1, (89, 10): 2, (89, 11): 1, (89, 12): 2, (89, 13): 3, (89, 14): 4, (89, 15): 5, (89, 16): 6, (89, 17): 5, (89, 18): 4, (89, 19): 3, (89, 20): 2, (89, 21): 1, (89, 22): 2, (89, 23): 3, (89, 24): 2, (89, 25): 3, (89, 26): 2, (89, 27): 1, (89, 28): 2, (89, 29): 1, (89, 30): 2, (89, 32): 4, (89, 33): 5, (89, 34): 6, (89, 35): 7, (89, 36): 8, (89, 37): 7, (89, 38): 6, (89, 39): 5, (89, 40): 4, (89, 41): 3, (89, 42): 2, (89, 43): 1, (89, 44): 2, (89, 45): 3, (89, 46): 4, (89, 47): 5, (89, 49): 5, (89, 50): 4, (89, 51): 3, (89, 52): 2, (89, 53): 1, (89, 54): 2, (89, 55): 3, (89, 57): 3, (89, 58): 2, (89, 59): 1, (89, 60): 2, (89, 61): 1, (89, 62): 2, (89, 63): 3, (89, 64): 4, (89, 67): 5, (89, 68): 4, (89, 69): 3, (89, 70): 2, (89, 71): 1, (89, 72): 2, (89, 73): 3, (89, 74): 2, (89, 75): 3, (89, 76): 2, (89, 77): 1, (89, 78): 2, (89, 79): 1, (89, 80): 2, (89, 81): 3, (89, 83): 3, (89, 84): 2, (89, 85): 1, (89, 86): 2, (89, 87): 1, (89, 88): 2, (90, -2): 5, (90, -1): 4, (90, 0): 3, (90, 1): 4, (90, 2): 3, (90, 3): 2, (90, 4): 1, (90, 5): 2, (90, 6): 3, (90, 7): 4, (90, 8): 3, (90, 9): 2, (90, 10): 1, (90, 11): 2, (90, 12): 1, (90, 13): 2, (90, 14): 3, (90, 15): 4, (90, 16): 5, (90, 17): 6, (90, 18): 5, (90, 19): 4, (90, 20): 3, (90, 21): 2, (90, 22): 1, (90, 23): 2, (90, 24): 3, (90, 25): 2, (90, 26): 3, (90, 27): 2, (90, 28): 1, (90, 29): 2, (90, 30): 1, (90, 31): 2, (90, 33): 4, (90, 34): 5, (90, 35): 6, (90, 36): 7, (90, 37): 8, (90, 38): 7, (90, 39): 6, (90, 40): 5, (90, 41): 4, (90, 42): 3, (90, 43): 2, (90, 44): 1, (90, 45): 2, (90, 46): 3, (90, 47): 4, (90, 48): 5, (90, 50): 5, (90, 51): 4, (90, 52): 3, (90, 53): 2, (90, 54): 1, (90, 55): 2, (90, 56): 3, (90, 58): 3, (90, 59): 2, (90, 60): 1, (90, 61): 2, (90, 62): 1, (90, 63): 2, (90, 64): 3, (90, 65): 4, (90, 68): 5, (90, 69): 4, (90, 70): 3, (90, 71): 2, (90, 72): 1, (90, 73): 2, (90, 74): 3, (90, 75): 2, (90, 76): 3, (90, 77): 2, (90, 78): 1, (90, 79): 2, (90, 80): 1, (90, 81): 2, (90, 82): 3, (90, 84): 3, (90, 85): 2, (90, 86): 1, (90, 87): 2, (90, 88): 1, (90, 89): 2, (91, -2): 6, (91, -1): 5, (91, 0): 4, (91, 1): 3, (91, 2): 4, (91, 3): 3, (91, 4): 2, (91, 5): 1, (91, 6): 2, (91, 7): 3, (91, 8): 4, (91, 9): 3, (91, 10): 2, (91, 11): 1, (91, 12): 2, (91, 13): 1, (91, 14): 2, (91, 15): 3, (91, 16): 4, (91, 17): 5, (91, 18): 6, (91, 19): 5, (91, 20): 4, (91, 21): 3, (91, 22): 2, (91, 23): 1, (91, 24): 2, (91, 25): 3, (91, 26): 2, (91, 27): 3, (91, 28): 2, (91, 29): 1, (91, 30): 2, (91, 31): 1, (91, 32): 2, (91, 34): 4, (91, 35): 5, (91, 36): 6, (91, 37): 7, (91, 38): 8, (91, 39): 7, (91, 40): 6, (91, 41): 5, (91, 42): 4, (91, 43): 3, (91, 44): 2, (91, 45): 1, (91, 46): 2, (91, 47): 3, (91, 48): 4, (91, 49): 5, (91, 51): 5, (91, 52): 4, (91, 53): 3, (91, 54): 2, (91, 55): 1, (91, 56): 2, (91, 57): 3, (91, 59): 3, (91, 60): 2, (91, 61): 1, (91, 62): 2, (91, 63): 1, (91, 64): 2, (91, 65): 3, (91, 66): 4, (91, 69): 5, (91, 70): 4, (91, 71): 3, (91, 72): 2, (91, 73): 1, (91, 74): 2, (91, 75): 3, (91, 76): 2, (91, 77): 3, (91, 78): 2, (91, 79): 1, (91, 80): 2, (91, 81): 1, (91, 82): 2, (91, 83): 3, (91, 85): 3, (91, 86): 2, (91, 87): 1, (91, 88): 2, (91, 89): 1, (91, 90): 2, (92, -2): 7, (92, -1): 6, (92, 0): 5, (92, 1): 4, (92, 2): 5, (92, 3): 4, (92, 4): 3, (92, 5): 2, (92, 6): 1, (92, 7): 2, (92, 8): 3, (92, 9): 4, (92, 10): 3, (92, 11): 2, (92, 12): 1, (92, 13): 2, (92, 14): 1, (92, 15): 2, (92, 16): 3, (92, 17): 4, (92, 18): 5, (92, 19): 6, (92, 20): 5, (92, 21): 4, (92, 22): 3, (92, 23): 2, (92, 24): 1, (92, 25): 2, (92, 26): 3, (92, 27): 2, (92, 28): 3, (92, 29): 2, (92, 30): 1, (92, 31): 2, (92, 32): 1, (92, 33): 2, (92, 35): 4, (92, 36): 5, (92, 37): 6, (92, 38): 7, (92, 39): 8, (92, 40): 7, (92, 41): 6, (92, 42): 5, (92, 43): 4, (92, 44): 3, (92, 45): 2, (92, 46): 1, (92, 47): 2, (92, 48): 3, (92, 49): 4, (92, 50): 5, (92, 52): 5, (92, 53): 4, (92, 54): 3, (92, 55): 2, (92, 56): 1, (92, 57): 2, (92, 58): 3, (92, 60): 3, (92, 61): 2, (92, 62): 1, (92, 63): 2, (92, 64): 1, (92, 65): 2, (92, 66): 3, (92, 67): 4, (92, 70): 5, (92, 71): 4, (92, 72): 3, (92, 73): 2, (92, 74): 1, (92, 75): 2, (92, 76): 3, (92, 77): 2, (92, 78): 3, (92, 79): 2, (92, 80): 1, (92, 81): 2, (92, 82): 1, (92, 83): 2, (92, 84): 3, (92, 86): 3, (92, 87): 2, (92, 88): 1, (92, 89): 2, (92, 90): 1, (92, 91): 2, (93, -2): 8, (93, -1): 7, (93, 0): 6, (93, 1): 7, (93, 2): 6, (93, 3): 5, (93, 4): 4, (93, 5): 3, (93, 6): 2, (93, 11): 3, (93, 12): 2, (93, 13): 1, (93, 14): 2, (93, 15): 1, (93, 16): 2, (93, 17): 3, (93, 18): 4, (93, 19): 5, (93, 20): 6, (93, 21): 5, (93, 22): 4, (93, 23): 3, (93, 24): 2, (93, 25): 1, (93, 26): 2, (93, 27): 3, (93, 28): 2, (93, 29): 3, (93, 30): 2, (93, 31): 1, (93, 32): 2, (93, 33): 1, (93, 34): 2, (93, 36): 4, (93, 37): 5, (93, 38): 6, (93, 39): 7, (93, 40): 8, (93, 41): 7, (93, 42): 6, (93, 43): 5, (93, 44): 4, (93, 45): 3, (93, 46): 2, (93, 47): 1, (93, 48): 2, (93, 49): 3, (93, 50): 4, (93, 51): 5, (93, 53): 5, (93, 54): 4, (93, 55): 3, (93, 56): 2, (93, 57): 1, (93, 58): 2, (93, 59): 3, (93, 61): 3, (93, 62): 2, (93, 63): 1, (93, 64): 2, (93, 65): 1, (93, 66): 2, (93, 67): 3, (93, 68): 4, (93, 71): 5, (93, 72): 4, (93, 73): 3, (93, 74): 2, (93, 75): 1, (93, 76): 2, (93, 77): 3, (93, 78): 2, (93, 79): 3, (93, 80): 2, (93, 81): 1, (93, 82): 2, (93, 83): 1, (93, 84): 2, (93, 85): 3, (93, 87): 3, (93, 88): 2, (93, 89): 1, (93, 90): 2, (93, 91): 1, (93, 92): 2, (94, -2): 9, (94, -1): 8, (94, 0): 7, (94, 1): 8, (94, 2): 7, (94, 3): 6, (94, 4): 5, (94, 5): 4, (94, 12): 3, (94, 13): 2, (94, 14): 1, (94, 15): 2, (94, 16): 1, (94, 17): 2, (94, 18): 3, (94, 19): 4, (94, 20): 5, (94, 21): 6, (94, 22): 5, (94, 23): 4, (94, 24): 3, (94, 25): 2, (94, 26): 1, (94, 27): 2, (94, 28): 3, (94, 29): 2, (94, 30): 3, (94, 31): 2, (94, 32): 1, (94, 33): 2, (94, 34): 1, (94, 35): 2, (94, 37): 4, (94, 38): 5, (94, 39): 6, (94, 40): 7, (94, 41): 8, (94, 42): 7, (94, 43): 6, (94, 44): 5, (94, 45): 4, (94, 46): 3, (94, 47): 2, (94, 48): 1, (94, 49): 2, (94, 50): 3, (94, 51): 4, (94, 52): 5, (94, 54): 5, (94, 55): 4, (94, 56): 3, (94, 57): 2, (94, 58): 1, (94, 59): 2, (94, 60): 3, (94, 62): 3, (94, 63): 2, (94, 64): 1, (94, 65): 2, (94, 66): 1, (94, 67): 2, (94, 68): 3, (94, 69): 4, (94, 72): 5, (94, 73): 4, (94, 74): 3, (94, 75): 2, (94, 76): 1, (94, 77): 2, (94, 78): 3, (94, 79): 2, (94, 80): 3, (94, 81): 2, (94, 82): 1, (94, 83): 2, (94, 84): 1, (94, 85): 2, (94, 86): 3, (94, 88): 3, (94, 89): 2, (94, 90): 1, (94, 91): 2, (94, 92): 1, (94, 93): 2, (95, -2): 6, (95, -1): 9, (95, 0): 8, (95, 1): 9, (95, 2): 8, (95, 3): 7, (95, 4): 6, (95, 5): 5, (95, 6): 4, (95, 13): 3, (95, 14): 2, (95, 15): 1, (95, 16): 2, (95, 17): 1, (95, 18): 2, (95, 19): 3, (95, 20): 4, (95, 21): 5, (95, 22): 6, (95, 23): 5, (95, 24): 4, (95, 25): 3, (95, 26): 2, (95, 27): 1, (95, 28): 2, (95, 29): 3, (95, 30): 2, (95, 31): 3, (95, 32): 2, (95, 33): 1, (95, 34): 2, (95, 35): 1, (95, 36): 2, (95, 38): 4, (95, 39): 5, (95, 40): 6, (95, 41): 7, (95, 42): 8, (95, 43): 7, (95, 44): 6, (95, 45): 5, (95, 46): 4, (95, 47): 3, (95, 48): 2, (95, 49): 1, (95, 50): 2, (95, 51): 3, (95, 52): 4, (95, 53): 5, (95, 55): 5, (95, 56): 4, (95, 57): 3, (95, 58): 2, (95, 59): 1, (95, 60): 2, (95, 61): 3, (95, 63): 3, (95, 64): 2, (95, 65): 1, (95, 66): 2, (95, 67): 1, (95, 68): 2, (95, 69): 3, (95, 70): 4, (95, 73): 5, (95, 74): 4, (95, 75): 3, (95, 76): 2, (95, 77): 1, (95, 78): 2, (95, 79): 3, (95, 80): 2, (95, 81): 3, (95, 82): 2, (95, 83): 1, (95, 84): 2, (95, 85): 1, (95, 86): 2, (95, 87): 3, (95, 89): 3, (95, 90): 2, (95, 91): 1, (95, 92): 2, (95, 93): 1, (95, 94): 2, (96, -2): 5, (96, -1): 6, (96, 0): 9, (96, 1): 8, (96, 2): 7, (96, 3): 8, (96, 4): 7, (96, 5): 6, (96, 6): 5, (96, 15): 2, (96, 16): 1, (96, 17): 2, (96, 18): 1, (96, 19): 2, (96, 20): 3, (96, 21): 4, (96, 22): 5, (96, 23): 6, (96, 24): 5, (96, 25): 4, (96, 26): 3, (96, 27): 2, (96, 28): 1, (96, 29): 2, (96, 30): 3, (96, 31): 2, (96, 32): 3, (96, 33): 2, (96, 34): 1, (96, 35): 2, (96, 36): 1, (96, 37): 2, (96, 39): 4, (96, 40): 5, (96, 41): 6, (96, 42): 7, (96, 43): 8, (96, 44): 7, (96, 45): 6, (96, 46): 5, (96, 47): 4, (96, 48): 3, (96, 49): 2, (96, 50): 1, (96, 51): 2, (96, 52): 3, (96, 53): 4, (96, 54): 5, (96, 56): 5, (96, 57): 4, (96, 58): 3, (96, 59): 2, (96, 60): 1, (96, 61): 2, (96, 62): 3, (96, 64): 3, (96, 65): 2, (96, 66): 1, (96, 67): 2, (96, 68): 1, (96, 69): 2, (96, 70): 3, (96, 71): 4, (96, 74): 5, (96, 75): 4, (96, 76): 3, (96, 77): 2, (96, 78): 1, (96, 79): 2, (96, 80): 3, (96, 81): 2, (96, 82): 3, (96, 83): 2, (96, 84): 1, (96, 85): 2, (96, 86): 1, (96, 87): 2, (96, 88): 3, (96, 90): 3, (96, 91): 2, (96, 92): 1, (96, 93): 2, (96, 94): 1, (96, 95): 2, (97, -2): 4, (97, -1): 5, (97, 0): 6, (97, 1): 7, (97, 2): 6, (97, 3): 7, (97, 4): 8, (97, 5): 7, (97, 6): 6, (97, 7): 5, (97, 16): 2, (97, 17): 1, (97, 18): 2, (97, 19): 1, (97, 20): 2, (97, 21): 3, (97, 22): 4, (97, 23): 5, (97, 24): 6, (97, 25): 5, (97, 26): 4, (97, 27): 3, (97, 28): 2, (97, 29): 1, (97, 30): 2, (97, 31): 3, (97, 32): 2, (97, 33): 3, (97, 34): 2, (97, 35): 1, (97, 36): 2, (97, 37): 1, (97, 38): 2, (97, 40): 4, (97, 41): 5, (97, 42): 6, (97, 43): 7, (97, 44): 8, (97, 45): 7, (97, 46): 6, (97, 47): 5, (97, 48): 4, (97, 49): 3, (97, 50): 2, (97, 51): 1, (97, 52): 2, (97, 53): 3, (97, 54): 4, (97, 55): 5, (97, 57): 5, (97, 58): 4, (97, 59): 3, (97, 60): 2, (97, 61): 1, (97, 62): 2, (97, 63): 3, (97, 65): 3, (97, 66): 2, (97, 67): 1, (97, 68): 2, (97, 69): 1, (97, 70): 2, (97, 71): 3, (97, 72): 4, (97, 75): 5, (97, 76): 4, (97, 77): 3, (97, 78): 2, (97, 79): 1, (97, 80): 2, (97, 81): 3, (97, 82): 2, (97, 83): 3, (97, 84): 2, (97, 85): 1, (97, 86): 2, (97, 87): 1, (97, 88): 2, (97, 89): 3, (97, 91): 3, (97, 92): 2, (97, 93): 1, (97, 94): 2, (97, 95): 1, (97, 96): 2, (98, -1): 4, (98, 0): 5, (98, 1): 6, (98, 2): 5, (98, 3): 6, (98, 4): 7, (98, 5): 8, (98, 6): 7, (98, 7): 6, (98, 8): 5, (98, 17): 2, (98, 18): 1, (98, 19): 2, (98, 20): 1, (98, 21): 2, (98, 22): 3, (98, 23): 4, (98, 24): 5, (98, 25): 6, (98, 26): 5, (98, 27): 4, (98, 28): 3, (98, 29): 2, (98, 30): 1, (98, 31): 2, (98, 32): 3, (98, 33): 2, (98, 34): 3, (98, 35): 2, (98, 36): 1, (98, 37): 2, (98, 38): 1, (98, 39): 2, (98, 41): 4, (98, 42): 5, (98, 43): 6, (98, 44): 7, (98, 45): 8, (98, 46): 7, (98, 47): 6, (98, 48): 5, (98, 49): 4, (98, 50): 3, (98, 51): 2, (98, 52): 1, (98, 53): 2, (98, 54): 3, (98, 55): 4, (98, 56): 5, (98, 58): 5, (98, 59): 4, (98, 60): 3, (98, 61): 2, (98, 62): 1, (98, 63): 2, (98, 64): 3, (98, 66): 3, (98, 67): 2, (98, 68): 1, (98, 69): 2, (98, 70): 1, (98, 71): 2, (98, 72): 3, (98, 73): 4, (98, 76): 5, (98, 77): 4, (98, 78): 3, (98, 79): 2, (98, 80): 1, (98, 81): 2, (98, 82): 3, (98, 83): 2, (98, 84): 3, (98, 85): 2, (98, 86): 1, (98, 87): 2, (98, 88): 1, (98, 89): 2, (98, 90): 3, (98, 92): 3, (98, 93): 2, (98, 94): 1, (98, 95): 2, (98, 96): 1, (98, 97): 2, (99, 0): 4, (99, 1): 5, (99, 2): 4, (99, 3): 5, (99, 4): 6, (99, 5): 7, (99, 6): 8, (99, 7): 7, (99, 8): 6, (99, 9): 5, (99, 18): 2, (99, 19): 1, (99, 20): 2, (99, 21): 1, (99, 22): 2, (99, 23): 3, (99, 24): 4, (99, 25): 5, (99, 26): 6, (99, 27): 5, (99, 28): 4, (99, 29): 3, (99, 30): 2, (99, 31): 1, (99, 32): 2, (99, 33): 3, (99, 34): 2, (99, 35): 3, (99, 36): 2, (99, 37): 1, (99, 38): 2, (99, 39): 1, (99, 40): 2, (99, 42): 4, (99, 43): 5, (99, 44): 6, (99, 45): 7, (99, 46): 8, (99, 47): 7, (99, 48): 6, (99, 49): 5, (99, 50): 4, (99, 51): 3, (99, 52): 2, (99, 53): 1, (99, 54): 2, (99, 55): 3, (99, 56): 4, (99, 57): 5, (99, 59): 5, (99, 60): 4, (99, 61): 3, (99, 62): 2, (99, 63): 1, (99, 64): 2, (99, 65): 3, (99, 67): 3, (99, 68): 2, (99, 69): 1, (99, 70): 2, (99, 71): 1, (99, 72): 2, (99, 73): 3, (99, 74): 4, (99, 77): 5, (99, 78): 4, (99, 79): 3, (99, 80): 2, (99, 81): 1, (99, 82): 2, (99, 83): 3, (99, 84): 2, (99, 85): 3, (99, 86): 2, (99, 87): 1, (99, 88): 2, (99, 89): 1, (99, 90): 2, (99, 91): 3, (99, 93): 3, (99, 94): 2, (99, 95): 1, (99, 96): 2, (99, 97): 1, (99, 98): 2, (100, 0): 3, (100, 1): 4, (100, 2): 3, (100, 3): 4, (100, 4): 5, (100, 5): 6, (100, 6): 7, (100, 7): 8, (100, 8): 7, (100, 9): 6, (100, 10): 5, (100, 19): 2, (100, 20): 1, (100, 21): 2, (100, 22): 1, (100, 23): 2, (100, 24): 3, (100, 25): 4, (100, 26): 5, (100, 27): 6, (100, 28): 5, (100, 29): 4, (100, 30): 3, (100, 31): 2, (100, 32): 1, (100, 33): 2, (100, 34): 3, (100, 35): 2, (100, 36): 3, (100, 37): 2, (100, 38): 1, (100, 39): 2, (100, 40): 1, (100, 41): 2, (100, 43): 4, (100, 44): 5, (100, 45): 6, (100, 46): 7, (100, 47): 8, (100, 48): 7, (100, 49): 6, (100, 50): 5, (100, 51): 4, (100, 52): 3, (100, 53): 2, (100, 54): 1, (100, 55): 2, (100, 56): 3, (100, 57): 4, (100, 58): 5, (100, 60): 5, (100, 61): 4, (100, 62): 3, (100, 63): 2, (100, 64): 1, (100, 65): 2, (100, 66): 3, (100, 68): 3, (100, 69): 2, (100, 70): 1, (100, 71): 2, (100, 72): 1, (100, 73): 2, (100, 74): 3, (100, 75): 4, (100, 78): 5, (100, 79): 4, (100, 80): 3, (100, 81): 2, (100, 82): 1, (100, 83): 2, (100, 84): 3, (100, 85): 2, (100, 86): 3, (100, 87): 2, (100, 88): 1, (100, 89): 2, (100, 90): 1, (100, 91): 2, (100, 92): 3, (100, 94): 3, (100, 95): 2, (100, 96): 1, (100, 97): 2, (100, 98): 1, (100, 99): 2}#

Dictionary of species’ ground state multiplicities.

Has items (atnum, charge): Tuple[int, int].


Write a table of multiplicities to a CSV file.

Values retrieved from database_beta_1.3.0.h5 are organized into a table, with rows corresponding to atomic numbers and columns to charges.

The maximum atomic number (max_atnum) must not exceed 100, which is the database’s limit.

The charge range spans from -2 to max_atnum - 1.

Missing entries have multiplicities set to zero.


max_atnumint, default=100

Highest atomic number of the elements to be added to the table.



If the maximum allowed atomic number is greater than 100.