
Downloading Code#

The latest code can be obtained through theochem in Github,

git clone


Installation via pip can be done by the following command:

pip install git+

AtomDB can also be installed by cloning via git,

git clone

Then installation via pip can be done by going into the directory where AtomDB was downloaded to and running,

cd AtomDB
pip install .

or to install AtomDB as an editable package, run,

pip install -e .

Successful installation can be checked by running the tests,

pytest --pyargs atomdb


Basic dependencies:#

The following dependencies will be necessary for AtomDB to build properly,

These will be installed automatically when installing AtomDB via pip.

Optional dependencies for generating documentation:#

The following dependencies are optional and are only necessary if you want to generate the documentation locally,

These can be installed via pip by running,

pip install .[doc]

Optional dependencies for development:#

AtomDB also provides a toolbox for extending its capabilities by modifying the (or adding new) databases. The following dependencies are optional and are only necessary if you intend to do so.

These can be installed via pip by running,

pip install .[dev]

Building Documentation#

The documentation can be built locally by running the following commands in the doc directory,

make html

Other formats can be built by replacing html with the desired format. For a list of available formats, run,
